A community member purchased a Webstudio product with the wrong account, [email protected], instead of the intended account, [email protected]. The community member has two professional lives, one as an agency employee and one as a freelancer, and wants to use the Webstudio product for their freelance work. They would like to remove the pro account from the [email protected] account and instead have it associated with the [email protected] account. The community member also wants to remove the linked credit card from the [email protected] account, as it is a personal card. The community member suggests that it may be easier to just get a refund and re-purchase the product with the correct account. In the end, the community member was able to resolve the issue with the Gumroad training, which was sent to the wrong email but could be accessed through the correct account.
Hello, I have 2 professionnal life, one in agency, one as freelance. I would like to buy webstudio as my freelance job web@zeiller.fr linked to my github account, and I bought it on the agency account alexandre@publipresse.fr linked to google
It made a strange thing, when I bought I filled web@zeiller.fr email, but I was probably connected to my agency account at that moment and so this is the account that took the pro
If possible I also want to remove the linked credit card to the alexandre@publipresse.fr account because this is my personal credit card whereas that account is the agency one
I think it's easier to just refund and remove pro account and let me start again because I also received the gumroad train to the wrong email address etc...
Ah finally it's ok with gumroad training, I received the email with the code to alexandre@publipresse.fr, but I could continue the purchase with web@zeiller.fr and so the training is in the good account library