Is there a need for Canonical for WebStudio sites?
Is there a need for Canonical for WebStudio sites?
At a glance
The community member who posted the original question is concerned about having two live sites on different URLs due to the need to publish the site to sync and deploy to Vercel. They wonder if the WebStudio version will recognize it has been synced/linked and deindex itself, and if a canonical tag is required, what the recommended way to implement it would be.
In the comments, one community member suggests not referencing the unpublished version anywhere so Google won't know it exists on the domain. Another community member mentions using a --dev flag on the CLI to fetch the current dev version from the builder instead of the published one.
A third community member references two GitHub issues related to canonical tags, but notes they are unsure if the original poster is interested in those. The original poster responds that it was more of a question and they will check out the GitHub issues.
There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Given we need to publish the site to be able to sync and deploy to Vercel, this means 2 sites are live on different URLs.
Does the WebStudio version somehow recognised its been synced/linked and deindex itself? If canonical is required, is there a recommended way to do it?