My desired effect: in my navbar, when user hovers over a menu option, an image is shown, images change depending on which option is hovered over.
I am not a coder (I'm a lawyer), I am doing this with the help of Perplexity, that is more or less useful; and I have also taken the Webstudio course and watched the Youtube videos on variables. I haven't been able to crack this problem despite this self-learning efforts. Normally, in other platforms, there's a way to set up the events specifically for the hover state, but I don't see the option in Webstudio.
Thanks Oleg. Yes, I have actually configured hover state before, to change styles (colors, transformations, etc.) for a certain element. However, in this case, it's two elements of essentially the same hierarchy within a parent. If I hover over one of them (in this case, an option within the navbar menu) the other one should show (in this case, an image corresponding to the option being hovered over). It seems I have to interconnect the two elements somehow, I just don't know how. I recorded an 8 secs video to show what I mean.
Ok these are not simple hover effects. We are working on animations engine which would allow stuff like this most likely. Alternative right now is to write custom js that connects these 2 unrelated things.