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Updated 6 months ago

@John from Create Today Congrats for

At a glance
@John Siciliano Congrats for your CMS Finder! Very helpful. Love the way you made this with Webstudio. Do you think you could make a cloneable in the marketplace or not? Lot of people could be interested. I know you have CMS filter in the YouTube channel but a cloneable could help! Congrats again!
Hey thanks Milan. Will add this to my list. I really should make a video about it too. I found some interesting things about the baserow api that made me choose that for this job
So what was it that made you select Baserow for the job—you've got me curious now ...
Ha im actually prepping to create a video now about it
in my notes:

because of how the API handles multiple filters. It accepts an array of filters, making it simple to tack on all filters the user selected. Also, it ignores filters with empty values (a filter is not selected).
To use multiple filters on airtable, they require you to nest AND() functions which becomes highly unmaintainable. They also don't ignore empty values which means you have to conditionally render each AND(). nightmare
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