The community member is looking for a resource for a lightbox gallery, as the libraries they have found so far require a href wrapper around the image, which they feel is not an ideal implementation in their webstudio. The comments suggest that using an image inside a link is a common technique for progressive enhancement, so that the gallery works even if JavaScript doesn't load. However, the community member is still looking for a better solution where they can just upload images inside a div with a class or ID, without needing to use the href wrapper. There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Hey guys, is there some resource for lightbox gallery? Most of libraries I found don't work and require a href wrapper around image, which I feel like is not amazing way to implement it in webstudio :/
I though that copying an img link that is hosted on webstudio and pasting it in a-href is not best solution but I guess it is okay for smaller gallery. I will try to find some way where just images uploaded inside a div with class or ID will work, but I haven't been succesfull yet