A couple issues with this. We aren't limiting the Button to Forms like Webflow does. There are a lot of valid uses for a button. "Submit" is just one button type.
We also don't want to mislead people by calling links buttons. The root of the problem is that users have been incorrectly trained to think that buttons are links. We want to correct that misunderstanding, not conform to it.
The solution we have is to add component descriptions to the top of the settings panel, like Figma has.
Open to more suggestions now that you understand the nuance of this problem!
WYT about a little notification message in the Settings for buttons? @Oleg Isonen Buttons are basically advanced components that should only be used by devs who know how to use them. Outside of our Form & Radix components, you need to know some JS to properly use a button. So a hint may be warranted to help out those beginners who keep getting confused by buttons vs links.