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Updated 2 months ago

Managing Client Websites with Webstudio: Considerations for Web Developers

At a glance

The community member is a web developer who plans to use the Pro cloud plan for each client's website and upcharge a hosting fee. They have concerns about managing client accounts, as they need a Google account for each client to create a Webstudio account. The community member wonders if there is a way to create a Webstudio login account without a Google account for each client, or if they can use a separate username and password.

The community member is also concerned about monitoring page views and assets, as Webstudio is not transparent about this. They need to be able to lock an account or advise the client of an upcharge if there is an unexpected traffic spike.

Regarding transferring sites, the community member prefers to give clients all website files (HTML/CSS) but is unsure if this is possible with Webstudio. The community member is overall happy with Webstudio but has concerns about managing client accounts.

In the comments, community members suggest that the web developer can share a link and let clients clone the site into their own account for transferring sites. They also note that Webstudio will start billing for extra page views when they start monitoring them, and that it's recommended to have different Webstudio accounts for multiple clients.

Pro cloud plan—I will get the Pro cloud plan for each client's website and upcharge a hosting fee. As their web developer, the question is, how will I manage those clients when I need a Google account for each client to create their Webstudio account? Is there a way to make a Webstudio logging account without creating a Google account for each client? What about a separate username/password for each account?
Monitoring page views and assets—Webstudio is not transparent about monitoring monthly pageviews. For clients' websites, this is a must because if they get an unexpected traffic spike, I need to be able to either lock their account or advise the client that there is an upcharge to prevent the site from crashing (currently, $20 is charged for every extra 100,000 views).
Transferring Sites—If a client decides they no longer want to do business with me, how will I provide their website data? I prefer to give them all website files (HTML/CSS files) and let them figure it out, but I don't think that is possible with Webstudio.

Overall, I am happy with Webstudio; it is going in the right direction. My concerns are mainly as a professional Web developer offering a service to clients. It mostly concerns whether I can trust Webstudio with my client's accounts.
if you are handling their sites, why do you want to create a separate account for each?
Monitoring page views and assets

When we start billing for extra page views we will start showing them. For now its being waved.
Transferring Sites— share a link and let them clone into their own account, that's it.
I prefer to give them all website files (HTML/CSS files) and let them figure it out, but I don't think that is possible with Webstudio.

Giving them html/css means they wouldn't be able to hire a nocode developer, where the original build is in webstudio. Its not nice, hand them over the project in webstudio.

Of course you can use the cli and create an app for them that's an equivalent to html/css but for web apps.
I thought it was reccomended to have different Webstudio accounts for multiple clients. If that the case then I can do Pro Lifetime T2 or T3 and have my business and clients website under the same place. From my understanding I can easily transfer the site. Is that correct?
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