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Updated 2 months ago

Marketplace templates copy

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A community member provided feedback on the marketplace launch, noting that the template copying experience could be improved. When trying to use a template, nothing happened, and the community member ended up with duplicate pages in the project navigator. To address this, the community member suggested adding a toast notification when a template is created, or providing an explicit button to create a page based on the template.

Other community members discussed the issue, noting that the problem is that the inserted element is not scrolled into view. They agreed that this should be fixed for both templates and regular components. A community member provided a link to a related GitHub issue, and another noted that the issue will be addressed in a pull request.

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Congratulations on marketplace launch, really amazing πŸš€ as a feedback, the copy of templates could be better, while I was browsing the available templates, I wanted to try one by clicking, then nothing happened, then I tried to click many times hoping something will happen but in vain. I didn't understand how this thing is supposed to work, then when I went back to my project navigator I found a bunch of pages with the same template duplicated that were clicked when I was clicking like a crazy. This could be improved by for example showing a toast notification for a second when the template is created, or showing an explicit button to create a page based on the template...
I am confused to how its possible that you didn't see the template being inserted, I assumed you would see it right away on the canvas when you click
No I didn't, I had an existing page open (that didn't change when I clicked) when I navigated to the marketplace
If the body tag is selected or a similarly large box you won't see it get inserted. Maybe scroll it into position on insert if this is a problem?
I see, so the problem is that we don't scroll to the inserted element
the same problem exists with adding on click regular components too
so we should fix it for both
Yes! Thanks @John Siciliano, indeed @Oleg Isonen it would be nice to auto scroll when we insert a template
The element appears in the navigator and if I have something already placed in the page builder, I won’t see the new element unless I scroll down.

I had the same issue where I didn’t see any type of feedback that the element had been inserted into the project. It kept bugging out like the content would be expanded past the breakpoint but then I noticed the elements and started deleting the excess.
Marketplace? Where..
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