Is there a way to make it so when someone submits a webhook form by pushing the button in the webhook form, it not only sends the webhook (which is achieved by placing your webhook url in the action) but it ALSO sends them to a new page on success?
How would you make it so that a background image is greyscale until another box scrolls over it and saturates it, using the background filter saturate?
Hey guys! I'm all about moving over to webstudio. Looks amazing and just playing around it's such a good builder.
I've seen ppl talking about carousels/sliders but none that mention the collection aspect. I apologize if this is a repeat.
Q: has anyone had success making an image slider with swiper or whatever but with a database collection? I need to have slideshows of projects on individual pages.
It's a nonnegotiable for my client, and I would be happy to take the time to figure it out but thought id see if anyone else has tried and found it impossible or has tried and succeeded before I do.
In webflow the solution was essentially creating a collection list and then hiding it from view, but connecting the list items (which displayed the multiple image field as a background) to a native slider, one item/slide. Kinda a nightmare actually.
I think it will be better in webstudio actually...
My initial thought is: to have in my airbase a table that is all project images, and to have a column for the images match the slug (same slug used for the projects). Then, I can filter by slug to create the collection of photos images.
So the real dependency is: Will i be possible to then turn the collection into a slider (I know I need to use something like swiper?)