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Dragan Babic
Dragan Babic
Offline, last seen last month
Joined December 13, 2024
I am having issues with this domain provider. Webstudio's automatic DNS setup thingy works, it somehow manages to set a CNAME record for the root domain, something which Porkbun doesn't allow through the UI but I guess it works through the API.

My problem though is that I need to put the MX record on the root in order to set up email (iCloud), and Porkbun doesn't allow me to do that because of the existing CNAME record Webstudio created.

A simple solution would be to replace the CNAME record on the root with an A record, however an A record needs to point to an IP address, not a domain.

Does anyone have a solution for this issue?
Hi people, I consider myself to know CSS quite well, but I've just started using Webstudio. So far I am enjoying using it, but I keep getting stuck with small things which I could solve quickly if I was hand-coding.

For instance, I want to style the invalid state of the input fields, and when I do the required fields get this state initially since they are empty, but required.

If I were hand coding I would do something like:

Plain Text
input:invalid:not(:focus):not(:placeholder-shown) {
  border: 2px solid red;
  background-color: #ffdddd;

But I can't write my own selectors in Webstudio. How do people handle this kind of situation?