Migrating Frontend from React + Astro to Webstudio
Migrating Frontend from React + Astro to Webstudio
At a glance
The post is about a community member who has a project with a frontend in React + Astro and a backend in NestJS, and they are planning to move the frontend to Webstudio. They are interested in knowing if it is possible to replicate features like state management, real-time data fetching, backend integration, and dynamic routing in Webstudio.
The comments indicate that the Webstudio team is planning to launch bindings and remote resource fetching in the near future, which may address some of the community member's questions. Another community member is also interested in using Webstudio with Astro, but they are unsure about the feasibility of an integration. The comments also suggest that the Webstudio core team is unlikely to work on Astro integration in the next 6 months, but the community may start working on it at some point. One community member mentions using Remix.run instead of Astro for now, and they will consider switching frameworks in the future if appropriate. Another community member asks about when version control will be available in Webstudio, as it is important for maintaining larger projects.
There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Hello everyone! we have a project(frontend written in React + Astro and backend in Nestjs). We are planning to move the frontend part of the project to webstudio. Is it possible to replicate things like state management, real-time data fetching, backend integration, and dynamic routing in webstudio? I would be glad if you could let me know about it. Thanks in advance
I'm also interested in this question. I'm currently using Astro in server-side rendering mode for a site. I'm planning to switch to using Webstudio once the CMS integration is added. I'm quite inexperienced as a programmer, but I'll be interested to see if anyone makes a Webstudio/Astro integration.
I don't have a specific goal in mind with that, only a curiosity about how my experience with Astro might continue to be put to good use when working with Webstudio in the future.
Could you please tell us when version control is going to be available on the webstudio since it is hard to maintain the project without it as the project gets bigger?
I appreciate that reply! Nice to hear that it might be possible to switch the framework if it seems appropriate at some point, but I have no expectations!
I will add for what it's worth that my sense of the Astro team, support, and community, as they've developed from pre-v1 to now v4 has been stellar. They're great folks.
As for all the details involvedāthat's beyond me to evaluate, which is partly why I'm wanting to switch to Webstudio. I need to save time by doing less coding and more building. I'll use Webstudio as it is, as soon as the CMS is available!