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Updated 2 months ago

More templates? Many more templates.

At a glance

The post expresses concern about the limited number of templates (only 4) available in Webstudio, a website builder tool. Community members discuss the importance of templates for non-technical users, and suggest ways to incentivize the community to create and share more templates, such as competitions, financial incentives, and showcasing user-generated templates.

The Webstudio team acknowledges the importance of templates and states that they are working on empowering the community to build and share templates, including the ability to import templates from other platforms. They also mention that their priority is on the actual development of the tool rather than creating templates themselves.

Some community members suggest that the Webstudio team could create and share templates from their own videos and tutorials as a starting point. The team responds that they have limited resources and are focused on the core development, but are open to community-driven initiatives to address the template shortage.

There is no explicitly marked answer, but the discussion suggests that the Webstudio team is aware of the community's desire for more templates and is working towards enabling and incentivizing the community to create and share them.

Useful resources
Just to be sure, there are only 4 (?!) templates. Under marketplace "sections" I see some 'blocks' (hidden behind the cryptic CIQ libraries lite title), but no templates either.

Isnt the essence of every CMS to have tons of templates? Templates with home page, about us page, post page, teams page etc. Is adding lots of templates on the roadmap (with high priority)?

Ideally could add the airtable marketplace template and the template used to build webstudio itself?

Thanks (as you can tell I'm newcomer to webstudio and used to wordpress..)
It's a lot of work. Don't expect it to be instant.
The community can build some, the developers have more important things to work on. πŸ™‚
What are some people are not capable of building template?
Yes, I understand. But I still feel that's a crucial thing. Not sure about hard core developers, but I personally start from a template and modify it.

I dont really care who builds it, the community as @Jeremy said or the webstudio team (or both). I hope webstudio will strongly incentivise the community to upload templates ('template designer of the week', financial incentives...)

Webflow has 2000+ templates (of which 80 free templates done by webflow), wordpress ten thousands, and webstudio has ... 4! has html templates with a creative commons attribution license, maybe that's a start?

and in any case, what speaks again offering the webstudio page (incl all subpages) itself as a template?
yes, or if some people rather spend 3 hours modifying a beautiful template than 25 hours creating a crappy website on their own from scratch ...
Dude, we launched marketplace like a few days ago. Webflow has it for years.
Yeah all this will come in time. No concerns here. Just part of the early adopter journey.

Auto to your point, we agree that templates are important, its why we're putting resources into making it possible for anyone to build and/or resell their own templates (which is already possible).

Next weeks update will give designers more options to create really unique stuff for the marketplace too.

We've also got the ability to import webflow templates and tailwind templates planned on our roadmap.

Internally, we spend resources on empowering the community build and share cool shit more than we will be building out our own designs. Kinda like the old "teach people how to fish, don't give them fish" saying, or however it goes πŸ˜‡
Thanks, then let's hope that the people you taught (rather enabled) fishing will really do so. It's just that (at least) one early adopter thinks there is a reason that almost every website builder has tons of templates.
we have built a marketplace so that community can start building templates
also not to be nit-picky, webstudio is not a CMS at all.
@automation , they have given us the ability to create marketplace temples and sell them recently. They've also communicated this quite well. Anyone here can build and freely give away templates or sell them for a profit. Give it some time and people will catch up. πŸ™‚
Can you build a mobile apps in web studio?
Not native mobile apps. I see a lot of apps just wrapping their web app into a mobile app browser and publishing it to app stores, this is technically possible with Webstudio too.

But otherwise native mobile apps are generally written in a different programming language from webapps
Thanks πŸ’―πŸ˜Œ is a great Webstudio companion for native apps. It wraps your webapp as said by Alex, but you can add components and you can also customize your webapp rendering to make it more close as a native app, it's cool
@Chris HK thanks for the linnk, will add it to tools directory
@Alex @Oleg Isonen is there an update about importing templates from Figma? Will that be integrated? Perhaps that would also solve it!
not on the roadmap for the near future, we are aiming to replace figma from your workflow

Figma will always represent a significant waste of time if you have to build it there first and then transfer to webstudio

Things you make in Figma won't be perfect for the browser in the real world, they are still just mockups.
Three weeks later and zero templates added ...
I still believe incentivizing template generation is crucial..
@automation it is already. Anyone can make and sell them.
Yes, anyone can offer templates but nobody has offered templates (I think).
Give it time and people will. There's opportunity for anyone to build templates and make money off it. You can't be upset that nobody hasn't taken it on themselves. You're free to be the first.
Unfortunately I can't build templates, I just want to create websites easily.
(Like millions of others who buy and use templates)
Are you able to modify the current ones to your liking? Can you pull in pieces from each that you like or even from the components library where people have added content? (Components might be the wrong wording, I'm not by my computer to check)
i echo @automation this could be one reason that momentum is not kicking in. if developers sense there is crowd in using, they will create templates. and you are sitting with just 4 templates. for developer team and marketing team, you can do it faster. Just add few more. then those can be modified and added. what i see, people like it but they are standing by. they arent spending too long. if your target is , hardcore developers to be your users, then yes. you can wait for people to adopt.

but if you want lot of users who love no code apps to build their websites, then you need to make few. over a month of this thread, no addition, doesnt make any reasons valid or justified.

early users, are all for promotion and want to support the tool. they need that momentum.
you do make few videos and each video, you creating some of those templates, why not make that a starter template.
@chandra, there are limited resources (people) on this project. Many (including myself), think their time is better spend on the actual development - like what they are doing.
What may help is showing how to monetize templates in the marketplace. To activate the community
That would probably help encourage some people.
your team is doing some work on youtube. those templates can be shared. it is easier isnt it. anyway your priorities are yours. it is just a suggestion. as it will more people use it better.
I'm not part of the team, just a user of the product.
Not sure I can do that, probably I can fiddle together something, but that won't look very nice. But the key argument is still that I am just a user and not a developer/contributor. But of course you set your priorities , and you currently prefer to polish/improve webstudio, with developers in mind, so I ll wait a while.
monetizing templates can come later. first it needs to show lot of people use it.
we want to encourage people to build templates, ability to monetize them is certainly a way to encourage
@Webstudio Team i understand your viewpoint. But it is wrong assumption.

for people to feel, it is worth time to create template and share, they need motivation. monetize is good, but do they have confidence that people will buy. NOOOO.

at the moment, you have good tool. but how many make use of it. you focus on general public make it easy. observe what Wix did, they focussed on consumers normal public who wants to do it themselves and made it easier for them.

your tech users, who you want to leverage on monetize only will go ahead when -
  1. they see more users using it,
  2. they should have confidence that your users will buy additional services and not just look for free stuff.
  3. incentive and monetizing is attractive.
  4. other users who do good designs and they compete.
why not create a competition to create templates. and give few additional free brands to their account - it is an incentive for you to give them but it makes people generate templates. and then post those 5 templates or few which you shortlist. that competition will also give you that base.

somehow am trying to help you improve your reach for the benefit of your product @Oleg Isonen
What business have you started and are running successfully?
Hey, feel free to dm me, but generally don't assume we haven't thought about it. We just didn't have time. It's not as simple to do that competition/challenge as you think it is. I could go into detail but I feel its not the right place to have a longer conversation.

I think you are genially trying to help us, but just throwing ideas around isn't enough, it actually takes a lot of work to execute.
something to be reasonable happy about.
have been running business for the past 21 years. anyway i have just shared my viewpoint.

i do see good potential and long haul on this web studio. all the best.
Thanks for supporting my arguments, @chandra , I think the webstudio team heard the message and they consciously decided that templates aren't their priority. And looking at the other threads here it seems that most users love open source and indeed care about coding, bugs and possible features, and don't need templates urgently, and dont want to build templates either.
We'll find out in a a few months if templates will pop up.

This said, @Alex , any news on the airtable to webstudio option, I understand you were planning to publish the template after some technical feature was developed?
there is a nice video of it on youtube webstudio channel check it out. webstudio
Guys, can we give these lads ( some love over on Appsumo? (

They seem keen to help with our template problem πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Thanks a lot, I have seen that airtable video and the webstudio team announced that the corresponding template would be published "soon" once some more features (search,filter, scrolling, second page, page for the results) would be ready. I haven't checked lately but I suppose it hasn't been published yet.
This video was published yesterday
Ah, sorry, thought this was the airtable video from a month ago. Will have a look.
Thanks for the hint.
Still suggesting that many more templates for non technical users (incl templates for the recent nice and intriguing CMS videos) could be added. (In the past two months, 0 (zero) templates have been added to the 4 (four) existing templates.πŸ˜„
Count again please
he is probably talking about the starter templates in the dashboard @automation we will not be adding more there, more is in the marketplace, in the new version of the dashboard we will probably have the same logic for fetching templates as in the marketplace, we will see, for now in the dashboard these are just a few demo starters
Maybe rename to "Starters" section?
also its kinda true that there are only 4 full site "templates", these are meant to be for each direction, where others in the marketplace are meant to be for specific integrations
like technically those template in the marketplace aren't gonna give. user an easy way to build some other site frm a template
luckily we are adding ability to copy-paste from webflow soon, so one can leverage a much larger ecosystem
technically I think it would be great to have the exact same marketplace available from dashboard, with the same filtering and search mechanisms we are going to add inside builder
Indeed, I didn't notice. I assumed that templates are found in the templates section πŸ™‚

Maybe simply rename "marketplace" into templates, and remove the old templates section? Maybe with some tag sections , pages, full templates.

I imagine there are other users as well who do not care too much who did the template .

And from a useability aspect, do I see correctly that the marketplace is only shown if you create or are in a project.

So marketplace and templates are hidden for people who are not logged in? Framer and webflow short that on their website for everybody.
@automation marketplace is going to be more than templates
tabs fullfill the role of tags rightnow
showing public marketplace is next stage for it
webflow has a marketplace inside builder as well
@automation overall it would be better if you provide your feedback as a user, your experience
Sure, the template feedback was as user (I didn't find them and I would like to have more), and from now on I will stay silent on general comments like useability and what the large website builders do differently..
just share your experience specifically, we are generally aware of most things that others do, but sometimes a particular user experience gives us signal to where to put some more effort
it doesn't mean we don't know what to do, it just means we didn't prioritize it
basic assumption should be we already know everything about the solutions, just not aware of how critical is the problem for the user, as there are many moving parts
You should probably stay with webflow for some more years, letting webstudio and it's community the time to create a good marketplace plenty of templates.
Have you tried Relume with webstudio recently?
relume to webstudio copy paste is it completed now?
yes, not everything is supported though and we will leave it at this for now until we see a huge appetite for more
I tried it worked like charm. am able to copy a template from webflow into web studio so easy and smooth.
Are you planning a video to explain (ideally for non technical users like me ) how to copy paste an entire template (several pages) from webflow to webstudio, also explaining "Things that won't transfer. Variables, some Elements, and styles on global tags. "

That maybe help me in my interest for templates...
not literally planing, but agree its needed
so explaining "Things that won't transfer. Variables, some Elements, and styles on global tags. "
if you read the docs and still need clarification about this, let me know what's unclear
Just signed up, I see this thread has been opened from April, 4 months later the number of templates available is the same. Is there a plan for a template marketplace in the future? I'll probably skip using until some templates are available.
If there is a marketplace I'd spend some time building a template.
there is a marketplace, but people are not building them yet
I think we need to make a tutorial on how to sell them so that there is an incentive
and make a call for templates
Sounds good, adding to my list. and jfyi @benjaaa you can paste from Webflow and there are tons of templates there
and also to clarify, there is a Marketplace with more than 4 templates. I've built a lot for CMS Integrations and others have some for page sections. There aren't many full page ones though if that's what you are looking for you can use Webflow Tempaltes and the Webflow ecostystem like Relume
I'm googling marketplace and nothing comes up for me, can you send me the marketplace url please?
@John Siciliano maybe its a sign that we need to publish something about the marketplace
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