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Updated 2 months ago

Multi Select

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The community member would like the ability to multi-select elements and apply styling to them all at once, as this would save time in some scenarios. However, the community members discuss that this is a non-trivial feature to implement, as selected elements may not be able to have the same styles/properties applied. Some suggestions include limiting multi-select to the same element type, or providing buttons for multi-select actions like bulk dragging/dropping, multi-delete, and apply styles. The community members also note that copy/pasting styles could help simplify this use case, and that this feature is on the roadmap. Ultimately, the community members conclude that while multi-select for the style panel is too complex to implement, simpler multi-select operations may be possible in the future.

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None of the videos I've watched so far seemed to show this so I'm guessing it's not a current feature...
I'd love the ability to multi select elements and apply styling to them all at once. Tokens help, but multi select would be a time save in some scenarios.
Its very non trivial because you could select instances that can't have the same styles/properties applied
so it would require to identify a subset of things that apply to these specific instances
Ahh, yeah that makes sense.
we could at least allow deleting many at once or copy many at once
what are your top actions?
In the case of styling, you could limit multi select to same element type only.
that would be misleading if user wants to delete a bunch at once
I'm only just now digging into WS and going through the training, so I don't really have top actions yet. But in one of the videos, they had to apply the same styles to multiple elements one at a time and I was thinking how much simpler if he could just select them all and apply.
we will enable this by copy/pasting styles
Not sure how valuable the feature actually is, but one way to deal with it would be buttons for multi-select type. One button for bulk dragging/dropping. One for multi delete. One for apply styles.
but yea, copy/pasting styles would go a long way to simplify that.
we can't easiy enable selection and fully functional style panel on multiple nodes
its way too hard
if you knew whats going on under the hood for styles when you are selecting an instnace
multi select will ever work for primitive actions
I can imagine! I've used other builders and yours is pretty clean.
everything else will be achieved by other means
context menu > copy styles > paste styles - quite easy
I didn't even think of copy all styles from an element. That will be cool.
Its very non trivial because you could select instances that can't have the same styles/properties applied

Could you not skip elements that don't satisfy the criteria? Having mixed content preselected is common place in every app that supports multiselection.

In my first screenshot I have preselected two files. One file allows for the selected operation, the other one doesn't.The app silently discards the wrong file from the stack.

The second case (images 2,3) shows a mixed preselection inside a 3D app. Two of three items are valid input for an extrusion, the third one gets disregarded.

In the case of styling assignment if you wanted to be super accurate, you could output a toast: Skipped [item name] from Token assignment.
I cannot judge on complexity involved (check whether all selected elements are valid). Yet, as a user, not having multiselection immediately felt odd and tedious to me.

I cannot recall another app that only lets you pick one element at a time – and could not believe when someone in this forum said Webflow doesn't have this feature either.
Could you not skip elements that don't satisfy the criteria? Having mixed content preselected is common place in every app that supports multiselection.

Complexity of doing this is immense
we aren't gonna do it
only for simple operations, not for style panel
I'm very much aware that I'm talking to the guy who also without multi-selection is a million times more effective building stuff… 

Yet, for people who don't have a background in Webflow / those who prefer to arrange things visually, missing Multiselection in Navigator and on Canvas willΒ feel alien, nonetheless.

Those who don't miss the feature likely already developed sound Web developer practices: Refine one element, then clone it. I clearly have not reached this point πŸ™‚ – but isolated element development will generally work better, when you already have a Design that you want to replicate.Β 

I understood that you want to work towards the point that people no longer use prototyping tools but start designing in Webstudio. At that point quick element regrouping (on Canvas and in the Tree) would be crucial. Alt+Drag duplication is a similarly often used command.

For style panel operations – could you possibly run assignments sequentially – in the sense of a batch operation?Β If I understood you correctly, you will allow style assignments per copy and paste.Β 

A user therefore could run the command in quick succession (repeated Copy+Paste). The operation would either work or fail. I wonder, if style assignment for multiple objects could not automate, what you consider doable by manual copy and paste.
Like I said primitive operations are possible
just not stuff like style panel
ast least not anytime soon
copy/pasting styles will be solving some of these use cases
its next on the roadmap
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