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Updated 4 months ago

My client's website appeared to be broken, just this morning

At a glance

A community member is experiencing an issue with their website, where the appearance in the browser differs from the Webstudio builder. The community members discuss the issue, with one suggesting to try republishing the site. It is determined that the issue occurred after the community member published the site, and it seems to be related to a CSS problem. The community members work together to resolve the issue, and the original poster confirms that the site is now working fine.

Useful resources
Within Webstudio builder:

After rendered in the browser:

Anyone else experiencing this or just me?
@John Siciliano thanks John!
Try republishing show work now
Question, did you recently publish this site? Or did it break without you touching it? Must be the first but just wanted to double check.
I think after I clicked publish the site then everything broke. Looks like CSS broke or something
Is this something I did to cause this issue?
Okay thanks for clarifying. No there was a brief issue that we were pretty sure was tied to publishing in a timeframe but just wanted to make sure it didnt just happen on your site without publishing
Thanks for clarifying
@John Siciliano it is now working fine thanks so much!!!
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