None of your styles on the menu list items are outputting on the live site. I tried to repro on another and could not.
But, I found on your site you have a custom class on each list item which shouldn't be an issue but then I tried adding a custom class on my site to the list item and it wont let me. @TrySound can you make sense of this? Classes can't be added to any of the children of Radix components that are radix things like triggers and such... native components that are nested work fine. Not sure how he added a class in the first place. I can create a bug if you want to look into it later or maybe its just working as intended.
@Emmanuel you can either use some custom css like
.navitem {
overflow: hidden;
Or just wrap the inner contents of each list item with a box or link and set your styles there and give that the class to target with your script.
I would go for the second solution as I wouldnt rely on the classes on radix components until that's worked out.