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Updated last year

Nested Tag for custom html elements

At a glance
Perhaps a bit of a horsey idea, however, as it is now, no real way to apply certain styles for child elements, especially when elements are positioned outside the viewport. Now I must whip up some custom HTML / CSS in order to achieve the desired effect I'm shooting for, however, not ideal for those who are simpletons and are not savvy to creating their own static HTML / CSS.

This method would essentially allow you to create a custom element that would be wrapped in a selected tag. Screenshot may help have a better understanding and I'm sure there's a much better way of achieving this in a much cleaner manner.

I think I don't quite understsand the use case. Why can't you add a token to those elements?
because you're not allowing for nested child elements of a custom component
custom html component
because as it stand i cannot apply translate to position absolute elements within the UI
best way I've found to apply CSS outside of tokens is via html embed + class name.

I do this on most of my stuff for CSS grid.
I hadn't thought about that as a way to include page specific styles. Glad you mentioned that, I'll definately be on the look out for the new and improved styles / tokens manager which should make things more friendly.
yeah, well also its easier to organize. I'll send over a share link when I'm back at pc to show what I mean.

I have them in a slot to reuse them across pages.
yes please do, that'll help me quickly see how to best add it to my current project. i actually need to do it on this landing page I'm working on. I've been adding the custom css to the page settings dialog, however I notice that the styles are displayed in real time until you publish the page / project.
@Alex okay so this is much better in terms of being able to see the applied styles within the viewport of the UI. thank you for this suggestion!
Oh yeah that too, completely forgot. This way you can render the styles on canvas πŸ™‚
ideally, this is just a workaround until future release that includes the token manager / custom css styles dialog box
are there any plans to enhance the cm editor to allow for tabs and collapsing / expanding chunks of code?
I don't think there has been anything prepped on this front yet but I expect it to be something we tackle in the future.

We just updated it to move from plain text to proper formatted code. I imagine having the ability to make the box bigger and allow for nexting is something we look into with it's next upgrade. Possible when we make the CSS highlighter editable.
Plan is to make this editable, and for it to sync changes back to the style panel:
yes, that would be stellar, especially when working with a figma file, would speed up the process of copy and pasting the generated CSS from figma, rather then having to manually add it in
would be neat to eventually have the ability to create a customized UI as well, would love to be able to create my own UI that resembles my current vs code setup. Probably a lot of work for a feature a few would use tho πŸ™‚
Yeah this is something I'm personally super keen on, along the lines of what breakdance has done with their element studio:

But this is likely quite far down the pipeline. Not sure.
haven't seen that before, will add it to my bookmarks. I noticed on the docs on github last night there was a experimental dark mode but looks like requires a browser extension like script monkey
yup, as it says in the doc it's not official. just something troublemaker me put together for late night work.
Burning the midnight oil as they say
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