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Updated 2 months ago

No CMS images on Vercel

At a glance

The community members are discussing issues with displaying images on a Vercel deployment. The main points are:

- Turning off the image optimizer allows the images to be displayed, but the URL structure is not ideal as it includes the "/assets/" prefix even for external images.

- The community members suspect that the Vercel image optimizer may not be able to handle external image URLs, and that it may only work for images uploaded to the Vercel assets directory.

- They have tried various approaches, including deploying the site on a vanilla server, but the issue persists.

- There is no clear solution provided in the comments, but the community members are continuing to investigate and share their findings.

Useful resources
I just created a Vercel account to deploy and every image that comes from Wordpress is not shown, here an ss of how urls look.


Tried turning off optimize and didnt change a thing....
maybe vercel's URL structure has changed?
try turning off the image optimizer on image component, publish, sync or sync with preview flag
it may have never worked with optimizer on, not sure
I did try turning off the optimizer. I will publish again later All are previews. Have a not published to production yet
turning off optimize does use the direct url and works.
related auestion about the optimize. when the website is called does the app call the image from source then optimize it on every call? would images benefit from being uploaded straight to a cdn?
These type optimizers have a caching cdn
Something is either wrong with how we use vercel's. Maybe it doesn't support external urls, pls check their docs or alternatively ask their support
Ok I tried publishing vanilla in a ec2 I have and also cant show images
Im using a nginx proxy to talk to it on
i notice that while vercel tries to call /image?url=[imgSrc]. the run dev just tries to paste the source url inside the assests dir (which inside inly has the directly uploaded images)
On topic, how can i use an image in assets in the expression editor? I want to show one as default of no srcImg is found in cms:
post.featuredImage.node.sourceUrl || "urlofassetimagehere"
Hey, I had the same issue yesterday as you originally described, but with images from Google Drive, and it turned out my url structure was wrong as it didnโ€™t directly access the image and therefore couldnโ€™t be embedded that way. Your image url seems good but I wanted to throw this in in case it could help.

The link structure before was: Thatโ€™s also the only one you get from Google Drive.

The right one for really directly accessing the image is: with simply the image-ID appended, which isnโ€™t generated anywhere so I now have each URL change to the right one with some code and it works.

Dunno if this has anything to do with your issue, but I appreciate your ff profile pic.
To your other question, Iโ€™m not sure if I understand correctly, but loading an image through its URL dynamically is not different from loading any other specific data point, if you load the URL as text in the format you showed on an image component, it loads it.

Or do you mean that it loads a specific image from the source IF it doesnโ€™t find any other one? If yes Iโ€™d be highly interested in the answer as this is very similar to an issue I have rn too :D
On the first issue: turning off optimization has allowed me to show the iamges, the url structure is the wordpress structure though I am moving them to a cdn, but I will try with optimization on agian alter, it didnt work in vercel nor in a vanilla deploy. Ill keep ya posted.

The seond issue what I mean is loading an image from our assets if the one from the dynamic source is nto found. But yeah you made me realzia to check the url... which is just /assets/{name of image}. duh. Thanks. And yeah, since I first used discord for playing FF the avatar and name just stuck there... lol
I tried again with optimize off and I comapred this with an imamge I uplaoded and noticed the problem
any uplaoded image will look like this:
this makes sense, this image was uploaded in webstudio therefore its in /assets/{url}
the uploaded image url looks like this:
its putting the url value like /assets/https://{rest of image url}
I guess when building the code is just sending the varaible and concatenating with the assets dir where it probably should jsut take the whole url starting in https
Does vercel image optimizer take a url?
Makes sense, so did that solve the issue now?
Just FYI :
I had similar issue with Netlify. (Images from Hygraph )
I removed image optimisation, built again and post cover images appeared. But images inside the post still didn't (which were same as the cover but i think with change of URL they didn't apper)
i'll check again today if there's a solve for this
what do you mean?
Url, starting with http, can you pass it to vercel image optimizer?
If not, that would be the problem
the problem is its inserting the subdir assests before the https
i dont know how to test it otherwise
I am asking if vercel let's you provide a remote image url to their image resizer in general
the ones from assests work flawlessly
i dont know how to test sending another one since the src urls are genereated automatically in webstudio
I think that whatever generates the /vercel/img=? code needs a validation that if it includes https it should not add the assets folder to the string
also a remidner, also if I deploy as Vanilla in a server the same thing happens
Ok i think i get what you mean, Im opening both an internal optimzied image and the external one
the internal one result is this
This works, and this image is indeed inside the assets folder since it was uplaoded in webstudio
The external one generates this url
This is the result
however... if I manually remove assets...
I get this
so no, I cant seem to feed an external iamge to the optimzier
which is additional to the adding of assets to the url
FOrreference:onthe publishedsitein the url of the uploaded iamge is:
the external one looks like
(no assets dir in either) in the optimzier works perfectly
so unless you talk to vercel support and they tell you its possible, it means there is nothing we can do
since this is exactly what you are trying to achieve, using remote image url and optimizing it using vercel
we are doing this for you in our cloud
otheriwse keep images without opimitzations
their AI support answers with:
It's important to note that while Next.js can optimize images from external sources, there are some limitations:

The external image URL must be accessible and not require authentication.
You need to specify all the domains you'll be loading images from in the domains array.
There might be legal or copyright considerations when using external images, so always ensure you have the right to use and optimize the images you're working with.
it puts that to configure domains you use this code
const nextConfig = {
images: {
domains: [''],

module.exports = nextConfig
but I honestly don't know where to configure that to add the cdn and backend domain
i guess its optimziation off for iamges in the end
We have vercel.json in the root which can have domains specified.
Ok this worked, I see now the image if I provide the fixed url
so the only thing left is preventing the src to have the assets dir concatenated before the http url
awesome. Since publishing to vercel already requires to be using the cli and is kind of already an "advanced" operation I think that just documenting adding the domains in vercel.json in the guide in your documentation should be enough for the moment to avoid unnecesary features for the moment
The cli will override vercel.json each time you generate app
ugh that does sound bothersome
Though you can create custom template (just a folder with vercel.json) which will override on top of builtin template
The feature is already there
like this webstudio build --template vercel --template ./overrides
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