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Updated last year

No Way to Get Darkmode Editor?

At a glance

The community members discuss the possibility of adding a dark mode to the editor. While some indicate that the engineering work is done, the design work required to implement a dark mode is significant. It would involve deciding on all new colors and maintaining two color schemes moving forward. One community member expresses a preference for dark mode as it is easier on their eyes, but rates the need as a 10 out of 100, suggesting it is not an urgent requirement. Overall, the community members indicate that implementing a dark mode would be a lot of work, but there is no clear consensus on the priority or necessity of adding this feature.

no way to get darkmode editor?
This is semi-ready, but doesn't have high enough priority.
sorry for asking something that may seem stupid, but how much work is it to create a darkmode?

it would be cool if there was a way to reskin without going too deep into code and all that too
engineering is done there, but design is not
all colors need to be decided for a lot of things, its not an automatic conversion
additionally once we do we have to maintain everything moving forward in 2 colors
all the work that needs to be done for dark mode is effectively in figma
just curios: do you feel like "darkmode just cool"?
or do you feel like "I need the dark mode because light mode hurts my eyes and I can't use it this way"?
well, as of now the current whitemode isn't 100% bright white which is good
but i do prefer darkmode a lot as it is easier on the eyes, especially when 95% of my screen usage is darkmode
then switching makes it appear as a flashbang
sure, I am asking how bad it is for you, from 0 to 100, where 100 you can't use the product
lets say 10, so no need to worry unless someone else brings it up
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