Nudging values within the Style Panel with arrow keys
Nudging values within the Style Panel with arrow keys
At a glance
The community members suggest it would be helpful to be able to nudge values by 1 using the arrow keys, with a larger nudge using Shift + arrow key. Currently, the nudging only works for a single interval before exiting the value being edited, specifically in the padding/margin area. One community member notes this feature would be a "life saver" when using an 8-point grid/spacing system, and another community member indicates this functionality already exists in all style panel inputs, but there may be a bug in the padding/margin area.
It would be very helpful to be able to nudge values by a value of 1 depending on the direction you hit the arrow keys. Maybe a Shift + arrow key for a larger nudge.
Right now it nudges for a single interval but then exits the value attempting to be edited.