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Updated last year

Open page button linked to the current page.

At a glance

The community member suggests that it would be nice if the "open website" link in the builder could open the page they are currently viewing, instead of always opening the home page. They describe the current workflow of having to navigate to the page settings, copy the slug, and then paste it into the open tab to see the live version of the page they were working on. The community members discuss the potential issues with this, such as not realizing they are on a different page and the user not knowing for sure which page they are viewing. One community member made an explanation video to further illustrate the issue.

Useful resources
It would be nice if the "open website" link could open the page I'm currently viewing.

Current journey to see the live version of a page I'm working on:
  • In builder, navigate to page, make edits.
  • Publish
  • Click on [new tab open website icon]
  • Realize I'm looking at the home page
  • Jump back to builder tab
  • Go to page settings
  • Copy slug
  • Back to tab with website open (non builder)
  • Paste in slug & refresh.
Desired journey:
  • In builder, navigate to page, make edits.
  • Publish
  • Click on [new tab open website icon] (and be directly on the page I was just looking at in the builder)
what happens if you want to share the home page but don't realize you are on some other page? @Taylor any ideas?
I agree there is a problem to share current page but I think implicitely copying current page is also bad in another case, user won't know for sure
I think something got lost here. This was not related to sharing.

It's to see a page that is not linked from my website frontend (like a landing page). The only way I can get there at the moment is by finding the slug and pasting it in.

Other platforms have this behavior by default, when you click on the button to open the site on frontend, the button link is for the page you're currently on within the builder.
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