I'm happy to see the overage pricing posted, but perhaps it needs to be adjusted. At $20 per 100k page views it is the same price as a new plan that includes 100k page views, but a new plan also includes 20GB of storage. In general, though it seems like it should be less. My 2 cents. Thanks.
Current overage-princing makes it more a attractive for customers to open another account (and profit from double total amount of asset-storage). Sticking to one account with repeated over-traffic still means only having 20 GB of storage available.
Yeah, I think that if you don't need the extra storage, it's just a hassle to manage two accounts for extra storage you probably won't use. However, I think that psychologically, having extra storage feels like more value for the same money.
@Oleg Isonen - I was referring to the cost. Yes, I was responding to perceived value. If A+B+C is valued at $20 and if an additional C is also $20 then either the additional C is over priced or A and B are of little or no value. The Pro LTD T2 includes unlimited asset storage ... suggesting either there is a need for it, or it was added to bolster the perceived value.
I see, yeah we will most likely add the storage to that $20 package once we have more data, so far it isn't needed, but with certain future features it may change