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Updated 8 months ago

Pagination with Wordpress/Graphql

At a glance

The community member is trying to set up pagination for their WordPress/GraphQL posts page. Another community member has updated the WordPress template to include pagination and provided documentation on the methodology. However, the original community member is still having trouble implementing the "previous" button in addition to the "first" button. After several back-and-forth comments, the community members eventually arrive at a solution that involves using null values and a specific condition for the GraphQL query parameters.

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Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to do pagination with wordpress/graphql. Not very successful so far πŸ™‚ It would be great if the Wordpress template "posts" page could be set up with pagination.
Hey yeah I need to add this. Will work on it and get back to you
@bonsak I've updated the WordPress template to include pagination.

I've also updated the documentation to explain the methodology and assist in converting your current query to enable pagination

Let me know if you have any questions
Great! Thanks!
Hi. I was soo close πŸ™‚ I'm trying to figure out how to do a "previous" button in addition to your "first" button. So in my "previous" button i try to use this expression:
?last=${Posts Per Page}?before=${Wordpress}
But it goes back to the first 5 records. No matter what "page" i have navigated to. Not completly sure if this is the right expression. From Googeling it seems that this behaviour occurs when the url parameters are wrong.
you need to bind the query params to the actual query
right now t only has first and after in the graph ql varibles so you need to add last and before
Hm. Thought i had done that already. Anyway. When i set it up like you did, "Previous" is still going back to the first 5 posts.
Oh i think its defaulting to first instead of last as both are present it chooses the first one
actually last should be set to posts per page
start with that, if setting last to posts per page doesnt work then we need a condition to only show first if after is present
That gives this error:
Plain Text
  "data": {
    "errors": [
        "message": "The `first` and `last` connection args cannot be used together

So i'm trying to set condition for first and last but it sets hasNextPage to false. And hasPreviousPage to treu πŸ™‚
good work but i dont think null will work. I'd just try empty quotes like '' and see what happens
That doesn't work.
"message": "Variable "$first" got invalid value (empty string); Expected type Int;
I'm using null in the graphql ide inside wordpress and that works.
Plain Text
  "first": null,
  "after": "",
  "last": 5,
  "before": "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjQyMg==",
  "search": ""

This gives the previous 5 posts.
ah try setting them to 0 then instead of empty quotes
lets see how it responds to that
if it doesnt work i have another idea
Same with 0. There is somthing with the order of execution here. I get the same hasPreviousPage: true
okay ill hop into the builder and get you an answer for real this time πŸ˜…
So you were right to use null problem was the condition for first. Should look like this
(paste this in it should translate the vars back to human names)
Plain Text
  search: $ws$dataSource$,
  first: ($ws$dataSource$ || !$ws$dataSource$ ? $ws$dataSource$DmnuIP4R2MJKAjBqN0azx : null,
  after: $ws$dataSource$,
  last: $ws$dataSource$ ? $ws$dataSource$DmnuIP4R2MJKAjBqN0azx : null,
  before: $ws$dataSource$
Sweet. Will check it out later tonight.
Cool if you can confirm if that works that would be great. Im thinking I'll add it to the marketplace but disable previous so it's in users control if they want to use it.
Works great! Thanks alot.
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