The community members discuss issues with the Windows version of the software, noting that the core team does not use Windows, so they rely on bug reports from users. Some community members suggest using visual regression tools to test across different operating systems. They acknowledge that OS-specific bugs are difficult to catch and reproduce, as they often require users to report and provide detailed information. The community members also mention that even chromium on Windows has subtle differences, making it challenging to support non-Chromium browsers. Overall, the discussion highlights the challenges of ensuring consistent behavior across different platforms and the need for more Windows-based testing and reporting from users.
I remember that none of the developers work on Windows. This situation probably exists in quite a few teams...
Isn't there a visual regression tool that simulates and compares user interaction on different operating systems?
The current situation is of course disadvantageous for Windows users. OS-specific errors generally have to be found and reported by users - and then the developers have to make an unusual effort to reproduce the problem.
there are some issues on mac too. or at least I believe there are, if you are using the wrapper-app. my hunch is this is happening because some requests are not handled properly or not communicated timely and that means the UI is being reset in some cases. I doubt there is anything that can be done on your end tho
will do. what bugs me is that I'm unsure if it's my mouse that has interference issues or if it's the app itself. that's why I said that "i believe they are" and not 100% sure if it's just the app.
tested on my home mac m1 yesterday and the behavior is similar to my work device. I randomly get a drag-and-drop cursor, after working with the app, ui is sticky (mouse events seem to not de-register from a ui element).