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Updated 5 months ago

Problem with ports when starting webstudio builder on docker

At a glance

The community member is experiencing an issue when running a container from the devcontainer folder. They are getting an error that port 3000 is already taken, even though they have reset their WSL installation for the WebStudio installation and there is nothing running on that port. The error message indicates that the Docker daemon failed to bind the container to port 3000 due to the address already being in use.

when I run the container from the devcontainer folder I get an erorr that port 3000 is already taken and I run it on wsl which has been specially reset for the webstuido installation so there is definitely nothing running on this port

Plain Text
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint devcontainer-db-1 (309a75ff657f283b2b5b974dcd05ad65ae75913a2ce06a2e950d455f6c155235): failed to bind port Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
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