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project item in dashboard

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The community members discussed adding more information to the project dashboard tiles, such as the created date and last edit date. Some suggested adding a badge to indicate published status and a link to the published site in the context menu, rather than in the tile itself. Other ideas included an overlay or tooltip with additional project details. The community members also discussed using the home page featured image as the thumbnail for the dashboard tile, and whether to rename "Social Image" to "Featured Image" in the UI. Overall, the community members aimed to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the project dashboard.

It could be helpful to have more information on the project dashboard tiles. For example, adding the created date and last edit date to each project.
When I designed the Dashboard initially, the space under the Title was meant to be info about the project.
That space ended up being used to reflect the published status and if it were published be a link to the site.

I personally find the link behavior a bit confusing, as if you click on the link under the title, it brings you to the published site, but if you click on the thumbnail above, it brings you to the builder. There's currently visual change to the cursor to indicate this difference.
I'm personally not into adding another line to the Dashboard card. It looks too busy for me (I also don't think the created date is very important - the last edited is useful though, especially as we add collaboration features)

I suggest adding a badge to indicate that the project is published, and the ability to visit the published site via the context menu on the right. That way the line under the title can show the last edit date instead of the site url.
@Oleg Isonen wyt?
What about an overlay on top that fades in or slides down, only covering top 20px or so
Otherwise your last version looks good
here's a couple attempts at an overlay (I'm guessing activated on hover). I prefer "overlay 1" where the extra info is presented on the bottom left, closer to the rest of the project info. On "overlay 2" where the extra info is at the top, it feels disconnected from the rest of the project info.
Yeah, doesn't look great in both cases, maybe a tooltip on rocket on your 3rd version from before?
what should be on the tooltip?
Created, last publish, last edit, anything else that's useful
actually last edit is already in the footer of the card
so the other two then and maybe a description if its useful
all domains could be useful
something like this? I think it's good info to have, just not sure if the tooltip is the best place for it
Let's align on what info we want on the card, and I'll see how I can make it work design wise
with the tooltip we are kinda more flexible
project item in dashboard
lets see what @Taylor thinks
I never noticed that it takes you out to the site vs the builder before. I hadn't ever clicked on the text. Interesting. What do you think about making it look like a link simply by underlining text? The "Not published" projects would stay as they are now. Or possibly an icon representing a link to go elsewhere?
This is cool and flexible! (just an outsider's opinion). 😛
@Mark that’s a good update for the tooltip but let’s put the link on the card like Jeremy suggested. Underlined so it’s clear that it’s a link.

I think there’s also room for improvement in the aesthetics but we don’t have to go into that now.
@Taylor is this what you meant?

Appearance leaves much to be desired. Can you work on that? Not top prio but every user sees this every time they log in so it shouldn’t be an eyesore.
Throwing idea (maybe this has already been thought about).

Can we make home page featured image auto apply here as featured image on card?
Is a featured image part of the page HTML or is it something that a search engine determines?

Ideally we would have an image here without the user having to deliberately do something.

We plan to show a snapshot of the page here like Webflow does but there's a technical limitation that is delaying that possibility right now.
I would expect all users to upload a featured image on their home page for published sites. It's what's in the new seo settings. User defined
(its the image used by other platforms to generate the site preview card)
Ah I know that as the Social Image. Do you think we should rename it to "Featured Image" in the UI?

This would have the disadvantage of not showing up until the user adds it.
I'm on board while we await the possibility of a site snapshot in the future. WYT @Oleg Isonen
Social Image is a more correct term.

AFAIK only WordPress calls it featured image.

But also WordPress is big.
Yeah I think it's an easy win. Well at least that was the goal 🙂
I agree, thanks for the suggestion!
Following up - is this feasible in the short term @Oleg Isonen ?
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