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Updated 2 months ago

Publish button interactive

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The community members discussed the idea of changing the color of the publish button to indicate the website's state. The proposed colors were: green for everything updated and live, blue for the website being live but needing an update, and gray for the website not yet published. Some community members suggested alternative ways to indicate unpublished changes, such as a small dot or asterisk in the button.

The discussion also touched on the community member's specific situation, where they lost the connection between Hygraph and their website after updating a query. They were trying to add blog categories and breadcrumbs to their website, but each modification seemed to break the dynamic connection between Hygraph and their website. The community members tried to understand why the issue was not visible in the preview mode but only in the published website.

While the color-changing publish button idea was considered a good one, the discussion suggests that the community member's main problem was unrelated to this feature and more focused on the integration between their website and Hygraph.

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What do you think about publish button changing color according to website's state ?
Let me explain. I notice some of my trouble came from the fact I forgot to click on publish after updating the website.
So, Green would be for everything updated and live.
Blue would be website live but update is needed.
Gray would be for website not yet published.
In any case, there is no way to know what is live or not.
good ideas here, or alternatively some other way showing that there are unpublished changes on the site, right?
e.g. a small dot or asterix in the button could mean there are changes that aren't published
it would allow for a more stable situation with colors and yet let you see there is unpublished change
btw can you add to the context? when is your situation that you need this? why exactly do you not remember that you have unpublished changes?
I notice this issue when I lost connection between Hygraph en WS after a query update.
not sure I get this
what does connection to hygraph has to do with unpublished changes in ws?
This is a good idea. Color changes won't be noticeable to some users.
I updated my query because I try to add blog categories and breadcrumb to my website and I lost again dynamic connection for my blog posts between hygraph and WS.

It is very hard to solve problem like this because each modification can break all what I did (and thank you again for your help)

I would like to show that WS + Hygraph can create SEO friendly website. SEO is not just one page and voila.
We need to post regularly and website structure needs to be good. Breadcrumb and category blog are essential
basically you didn't see that your change breaks the page on canvas?
I notice the problem in the published website. Nothing happens in preview mode.
that's what I am trying to understand, why is it not broken in preview mode for you?
I don't know. I will record my screen the next time
it does sound like your problem is unrelated to the feature you requested, even though the feature is a good idea
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