A community member is trying to publish their website on Squarespace, but is having trouble setting up the DNS record. They have tried using a CNAME record on the root of their website, but Squarespace does not allow this. They have then tried using an ALIAS record, but this is not accepted by Webstudio with the error "custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone."
Another community member has commented that they are experiencing the same issue with DNSimple.
There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Hi everyone, has anybody published his/her website to squarespace? I've been trying to set a DNS record type CNAME on the root of my website as required in the publish dialog, but Squarespace doesn't allow CNAME on the apex. So I've tried using an ALIAS record type. However, it doesn't seem to please Webstudio: "custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone." Can someone please advise?