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Updated 3 months ago


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The community member is new to WebStudio and has a few questions. They want to know if the WebStudio setup (2,000,000 page view plan) allows for Facebook / Pixel integrations, and if they can move a template or page over to WebStudio from WebFlow easily or migrate.

Another community member responds that it is possible to add a pixel on WebStudio, and that it is also possible to move a template from WebFlow to WebStudio, though there may be some limitations. They note that using a WebFlow template on WebStudio may not be the best development practice, but it can work.

I'm new to WebStudio, but I love it so far. I'm sure these have been answered a million times, but I don't know the answers to the following and I'm not a huge Discord user.

  • Does the WebStudio setup (I have the 2,000,000 page view plan) allow for Facebook / Pixel integrations?
  • Can I move a template or page over to WebStudio from WebFlow easily or migrate?
1 comment
Hello !

  • Yep it’s not a problem to add pixel on Webstudio. You have a place to add code on WS.
  • yes it’s possible. Just choose the template in Webstudio and copy-paste it on WS. Note there are some limitations (see the doc). To my mind Webflow is not exactly the same tool than WS. So template will work but it’s not good dev practices to use it. But it works!
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