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Updated 7 months ago

Radix UI

At a glance

The community members are discussing the Radix UI components and their relationship to the shadcn UI library. They clarify that shadcn is a wrapper around Radix UI, and that the default styles used are from shadcn, but the underlying components are from Radix UI. One community member requests the ability to use the Context Menu component from shadcn in their builder, as they find it a time-saving feature. However, the community members explain that not all shadcn components are available in the builder, as they have focused on the most useful components for websites, and the Context Menu may be more suited for application use cases. The community members indicate that adding the Context Menu to the builder is planned, but it is not currently being worked on.

Useful resources
The Radix UI components. Are they from this one or this one?

When I insert the Nav component it has links to shadcn.
shadcn is a wrapper around radix ui
we use shadcn default styles, but technically its just radix ui
I see. This reminded me about a feature request I added

To be able to use this Context Menu throughout the builder, where it makes sense to use. It's such a time saver feature.
Also, the components available on shadcn, not all of them are available in the builder. How can we use all the components shadcn offers?
currently you can't, we focused on components most useful for sites, context menu seems like an application use case
I have a feeling you are trying to build something webstudio isn't ready for
No πŸ™‚ I was referring to context menu for when we work in the builder. For us, not the website visitors.

Of course there needs to be decisions to make. I wish we had them available in the builder. It would make the building process much much faster.
got it, yeah, that'ts planned
Now, this is something wonderful to hear. Really really looking forward to. Shadcn / Radix was a great choice. So exciting.
Aha! You guys are working on this already. Awesome.
no its just an issue, its not being worked on yet.
Right, got it. There are a lot of valid prio 1 labels there. Thanks, Oleg.
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