When you create a new Webstudio project, it would be great to reset default browser styling applied to body, titles, paragraphs, lists etc...
In addition to that, it would be great to be able to select html elements directly and apply default styles to them, to set a default style to all h1, all h2, all lists etc...
Really nice. I created that topic because the other day, I lost 15 min trying to understand why this $%£m margin was here, and I discovered this was a remanation of an h2 margin. When you deal with visual builder, I think all default browser behaviors should be reset to avoid unexpected results like that
just reseting everything to 0 doesn't replace a style guide, you will still need to apply all sorts of styles and in that case you may as well decide how you want to change the default styles
Reset everything to 0 is better than letting browser add random style. But defining our own style guide that allow to define default you want is the best bet