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Updated last year


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The community member posted a question about the difference between a deal on the LTD platform for $399 and a deal on the Webstudio page for $499. Another community member explained that the deals are the same, with the only difference being in the business arrangements and revenue share with Rockethub. The Webstudio deal allows users to directly support Webstudio, with 100% of the funds going back into the business. The community members concluded that there is no actual difference between the two deals.

hi, just saw the LTD message and wondering what is the difference between the deal on ltd plattform for 399 and the 499 deal on webstudio page
Good question!

They're the same. The only difference is in business stuff on our end and revenue share with rockethub.

  • We want to continue to support rockethub as they've been an awesome partner so do not want to undercut them. But still want to give everyone the choice which is why both are linked on the page.
  • Our users can buy at a slight premium and directly support Webstudio. Funds here go 100% to webstudio and back into the business.
ahhhh nice ok πŸ™‚ thanks for explaining. so no difference πŸ™‚
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