Searching and Updating API Calls with Form Actions
Searching and Updating API Calls with Form Actions
At a glance
The community member is asking about form actions and how to bind a typing variable to update an API URL call. The comments suggest that submission values can be put into the URL as query parameters, which then trigger resources to fetch again using those values. Community members provide links to relevant documentation and YouTube videos that demonstrate how to achieve this functionality. However, the original poster indicates they are still missing something, possibly due to coming from a different background. One community member notes that the way things work in Webstudio is essentially how HTML works.
are there form actions? feel like i'm missing something. like can I make a search, bind a typing variable to it, and have that update the api URL call. for example, I want to add a text input where users can search an artist name, then pass that var into the itunes/api/search para