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set display without dropdown

At a glance

The community members are discussing a proposal to replace the dropdown menu for selecting display properties (e.g. flex, block) with a toggle group of icons. The advantages are that it would reduce the number of clicks and provide visual cues, but the disadvantages are that it could make the UI look busier and be harder to display more options. The community members agree that a toggle group like Webflow's would be better, and one member offers to design the necessary icons. They also discuss adding a basic grid feature, with one member providing a workaround using CSS. The community members debate the appropriate icon to use for "display: none", settling on an "x" rather than a closed eye icon. Overall, the community members seem to be converging on a solution involving a toggle group with icons for the display properties.

Im starting to notice the extra click it takes to select dropdown flex or block when the same could be achieved with an icon and a single click.
So you want something similar like webflow display?
I will check what others do and revert with ideas πŸ™‚
Downside is it would make UI look more busy, also hard to display more items and all need icons.

It's only easy when there are a few simple once.

We thought about it a lot.
I agree with you @Alex , this would be better as a toggle group like Webflow. There is enough space for all values including grid.

  • user sees all options without opening a menu
  • icons provide visual hint about how each value functions
  • reduced # of clicks to change display value compared to options menu
  • we must design these icons
@Mark Would you be interested in designing an icon set for these 6 display values - parallel to Webflow?
sure thing!
we're talking about this section right?
Can we add a basic grid while we're here? Product already supports grid (gets added when using AI). We don't need a complex thing like webflow. Something like framer or ycode is enough.

Apologies in advance if I'm blowing up something.

Examples of framer & ycode below as well as what I do for workaround at the moment (which also works fine, just not as pretty πŸ™‚ )
Alex's cheeky workaround to still get cssgrid πŸ™‚
  • Give token of grid (set display to flex because flex/grid share layout options so builder UI works).
  • Give class of grid (from properties) - this will overrride the token display (so you get display grid and can still use layout options from flex UI)
  • Minimized CSS grid stylesheet in header.
Image shows example of usage:
Do these take icons long to design? Could we use some of the existing ones in Radix initially?
Icons do not take long to design, but I'll let Mark set his own deadline. We already have a grid icon and a display: none icon (eyecon: closed) so there's only 4 to design. Thank you very much for your help @Mark !

But it may be some time to add the grid feature to the builder @Alex . I'll keep in mind to prioritize that soon, but last I heard there are some tech challenges with the implementation. Not related to the UI. So since it will take some dev time it will probably not come before the CMS release.
Yup makes sense thanks.

I have a hunch the grid tech challenge is tied to the fancy UI as the functionality is already there (I can ask AI to set display to grid, set columns etc), we even have a UI it's just missing grid parent (columns, rows, flow).

this is currently in prod:
@Oleg Isonen might you provide insight into what is blocking grid? If it's just Ui then I'll go ahead and design that.
I'll have the icons done today
A thought - maybe we should use a small "x" for display: none rather than the closed eye. Reason is the closed eye is used for "hidden" in the Navigator and other places. "Hidden" and "display: none" are functionally different so they should have different icons or else users might think they are interchangeable.
Doesn't affect the icon work either way
Also the small x is used in many toggle groups to represent "none"
There is "hidden" attribute on html elements which has display: none styling.

"Show: false" excludes content from html completely
@TrySound in your opinion, should it be an X or an eye?
No eye to not conflict with "show"
Maybe no icon at all?
sorry, by eye I meant closed eye. But I think I'm leaning to "x" as well
we need some kind of icon
Here's the layout section with a Toggle group.

Few things:
  1. I didn't do a UI for the Grid, but the Grid Icon is there in the Toggle group
  2. Currently we have inline-flex as an option in our dropdown. Webflow doesn't include it. I made an icon for it and included it in hours. Happy to remove it. (if we remove one of the icons, we could move the "Display" label to the left instead of above the toggle group)
I like ❀️
There are more display options than what wf has
These icons for display don't mean much unless you memorize them
Yea anyone past their first couple of websites will be very familiar with all the display options bc they are so frequently used. From personal experience I estimate users will change this display property ~30-100x per project, so it's a situation where speed is a priority and the options are familiar, thus a toggle group with icons makes the most sense.

The full names of all the options will be in the tooltips which will reveal in about as much time as it takes to open the select menu anyway. The only reason a select menu would be preferable is if we add more options than we can fit in a toggle group.
Looks great to me @Mark

Please paste this in the Layout docs page. I will write tooltips for each option and also update the layout of the section generally and push that as a bulk update for whenever the devs can get to it.
Pasted it in the Layout docs page
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