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Updated 5 months ago

Setting a Canonical Link on Webstudio Websites

At a glance

The community members are discussing how to set a canonical link on Webstudio websites. One community member suggests that if Webstudio is the source of truth, the canonical link needs to be set in the other place. Another community member asks if there is a setting in Webstudio to set the canonical URL. The discussion continues, with one community member stating that Webstudio currently does not have that setting, and another community member suggesting that running a script in the head tag is solving the issue.

anyone know how to set a Canonical link on Webstudio websites?
do you want some other website to be the source of truth for SEO? if webstudio your source of truth then canonical needs to be set in that other place
okay, so there is a setting in webstudio to set the canonical url?
thats what i currently getting
nope we currently don't have that setting, most people move TO webstudio, not FROM

I still don't understand your use case
@Oleg Isonen, if had a blog and someone copied your content, wouldn't the canonical tag help search engines determine that you're the original author?
yes. I am running a script in the head tag now, which is solving the issue.
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