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Updated 3 months ago

Something feels off about the `Pages`

At a glance
I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I get confused very quickly selecting pages and/or looking into page settings.

Seeing the blue and and gray makes me wonder which one I'm at. Thinking about it, I know now that the gray is the opened page settings, while blue is the opened up page that is now behind the page settings.

I think what I'm expecting is that when I get into the Page Settings of any page, that the page behind it (blue selected) is the exact same. So that when I close it <<, I see the one I just worked on.
Here's something:

I have my Navigator open, then click on Pages and I see right away pages with page settings of a different page showing up.
I agree about it being confusing when we open page settings but that page isnt selected
I see. At least wanted to communicate this with you guys. I'll try to get used to it.
No no thanks for bringing it up. I'd love if an engineer can chime in and if they agree I'll create an issue. @Webstudio Team
This bugged me as well. There was even a bug with only selected page variables available on other pages πŸ˜…
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