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Updated 5 months ago

Static exports of a dynamic website

At a glance
The community member is asking if it's possible to let their clients update their websites using WordPress, and then export the website in static mode to update their production website. The community members in the comments provide mixed feedback - one says it's possible if the member can manage the export and use it in WordPress, while another says this is generally not their advice. Instead, the community members recommend connecting WordPress as a headless CMS and publishing in a web studio, so the member doesn't have to deal with exporting and importing.
Hello is it possible to let my clients update their websites using wordpress by example. And time to time, I'll export them their website in static mode to update their production website?

I think it's a very good solution to not think about updates of thoses wordpress sites, and to not be hacked too.
yes if you manage to export nd use that in wordpress
generally this is not our advice
our advice is to connect wordpress as a headless cms and publish in webstudio, so that oyu don't have to deal with exporting/importing
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