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Updated 2 months ago

Submenu view in mobile version.

At a glance
The community members discuss creating sub-menus in Webstudio that push down the parent menu on mobile. They suggest using the CIQ libraries, creating an embedded HTML component, or using an overlay menu approach. The consensus is that sub-menus on mobile are generally considered bad UX, and an overlay menu or drawer-style menu may be a better solution. One community member provides an example of an overlay menu implementation. There is no explicitly marked answer, but the community members provide guidance on approaches to consider.
Useful resources
Hi can anyone tell if there is a way to create sub-menu natively in Webstudio (without embed code) that on mobile menu will push the other parent menu down when opened? Here is an example (the services menu expands and pushes the other menus down)
your link shows an extremely custom menu
you can take a menu out of the CIQ libraries and adapt it to your needs
dropdown in general is there
these types also contain a mobile version, which you can customize it. To a certain extent, ofc.
or, you can create a embedded HTML component, and write code for it from scratch. but you need to know what you're doing.
also, there are no submenus in mobile. it's bad practice to have them. but I'll assume you want a drawer to show the menu entries in the main navigation.
@Sorin thank you for the message. I agree that having subemenus in mobile is a bad UX practice. In the example (, what would you suggest for mobile menu. The services cannot be left out, so should it be just outside the services menu (which would make it pretty long) or is there a different approach to tackle this? πŸ™‚
the common approach is to use overlay menus, similar to the one in the example above.
in case the menu is long, you can only add a scroll behavior for overflow, and dismiss the menu by using a button
in my example the drawer has a fixed size, but I would suggest setting it to use max viewport size. breakpoints take care of when it is being displayed
Thanks @Sorin and @Oleg Isonen . Webflow has a "Dropdown" component, and I was thinking if there was something similar in Webstudio. Anyways I will follow your advise on the submenus πŸ™‚
There is, its just not caled Dropdown
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