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Updated 2 months ago

Suggestions for a built-in tour guide component

At a glance
has there been any suggestions for having a built in tour guide component? I think that may be helpful for templates.
what would it do?
basically just have the ability to walk users through how to properly get started with a template. I'll work on a few mockups to give a better understanding of what I was thinking.
probably a lot of work for something only a small group would be using
however, maybe wouldn't be a bad idea for onboarding new users who are not keen to reading documentation like myself πŸ˜„
so a tour specifically for how that particular template works?
yea but after thinking, seems a bit silly
I think if there should be a tour then one that shows how most important things work overall
if template would control the tour and tour is already there, then template could have ability to change some optinos, like a list of things to show in the tour based on what template features are used
but we are far from this, first step is a general purpose tour, then making it more customizable
ya i think it would be a lot of work
but could you make a tour type component that would high panels in the UI? would that even be possible for the view / share links?
I am glad we are adding with the next release a video to dashboard that people will hopefully watch, the very first one from the University about anatomy
ya i agree 100% on that, more videos the better for education purposes
really, that's what i should just do is a damn video
everything is possible but it won't have higher prio than what we are working on, so effectively not gonna be done any time soon
but i dont have a good voice like alex lol
ya i totally understand
really, video is just as good as a tour
and up to user to create it anyways
actually adding a video to your template that shows things around is a great idea, I have never seen anyone do this
I'll see if i can start putting something together in video with screencapture
powerful templates that include design system and custom functionality is basically like an application in itself, it could be complex and could need guidance
i'm just having a good time learning the bells and whistles of what's available in the application right now
appreciate the guidance as always, I'm gonna stop pestering you and the team for now. Thanks!!
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