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Updated 2 months ago


At a glance

The post describes a table-like feature on the canvas, similar to Excel, without the need for custom HTML. The comments indicate that the community members have this feature on their backlog, and one community member suggests using divs as a workaround in the meantime. Another community member is working on a solution for this specific use case, which they expect to be available in 1-2 weeks. The community members seem positive about the workaround and the upcoming solution.

Useful resources
Just a table.
Like Excel but on the canvas without the need of costum html.
Haha nice workaround ;D
Thanks John πŸ‘
I'm cooking something for that specific use case @cramses. It should be available around 1 or 2 weeks from now. Hope it'll help you!
Sounds good.
But the workaround works good as well πŸ˜„
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