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Updated 5 months ago

Targeting Agencies and WordPress Users: Exploring Alternatives in Uncertain Times

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The post suggests that WebStudio could market itself as an alternative to WordPress, especially given the recent uncertainty surrounding WordPress. The community members discuss targeting WordPress agencies and WP Engine customers who may be looking for alternatives. They also discuss the recent actions taken by WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg, which some community members view as "child-like behavior". The comments indicate that the WebStudio team is considering a blog post to address the situation and highlight WebStudio's advantages over WordPress.

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I feel like a few things that could be done in marketing would be to highlight a few areas that WebStudio shines over Wordpress especially with what’s going on…


Wordpress agencies: Agencies that build and maintain WordPress sites may be looking for alternatives due to the uncertainty.

WP Engine Customers: With WP Engine potentially losing access to WordPress resources, their customers might be worried

Potential AD…

“Woah…things are heating up!”
image showing ACFs comment and what’s happening

Make a post on WebStudio’s blog giving your thoughts about what’s going on and targeting agencies and Wordpress users whom maybe questioning Wordpress as a whole and its stability.

As a prior Wordpress user I’d definitely be looking for possible alternatives.

Theirs a lot of people upset with Matt and what he’s been doing.

You may not be in 1 on 1 competition, though you are both providing a solution which agencies and users both alike use.

You have overlap.

I used to be on Wordpress myself, and look where I’m at now…
Thanks for the suggestion Curtis! We definitely see a lot of WP users leveraging Webstudio entirely or Webstudio for frontend and WP for the CMS. I was working on a blog post and then got sidetracked by an upcoming release we have. I look forward to getting back to it though as the people need to know!
One thing to note would be that you have to be sure about the gdpr status of Webstudio in the hosted version before new marketing moves.

We aim to be fully GDPR compliant. We do not track users, our analytics are completely anonymized, and data is hosted within Europe.

The above is from your homepage. Not entirely convincing.
yes and any product/company that was purchased by ACF has been blocked from Wordpress’ repository
It’s child like behaviour from Matt
@Curtis not too savvy on wp history, but is this not a rather unique action historically ?
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