I am not even sure what's required for KaTeX.
I briefly looked into
https://katex.org/, seems like you can just use html embed to render
Oh nice. So, the objective then is to publish massive maths content. All my content is hosted on Notion. I can export it HTML with KaTeX formatting. How could I bulk import it in Webstudio ?
I also don’t understand the render server side thing.
also check my example, I added an html embed, scripts in project settings and a class to the element where the math thing is
can I duplicate your example in my account ?
if you know you will always have math in Code Text components then you could change the selector to tag selector and not have to add a class to every element
Yeah just open the preview link and you can copy/paste the instances into your own project
What are the instances ? You mean the preview of Notion page ? I will have to copy paste page per page ?
What are the instances ?
Elements, boxes, the things on the page, what's on your page.
Sorry I didn't check Olegs preview link above, I assumed there was something special there but it's a "code block instance and a html embed below it.
Webstudio does support copy/paste from Notion. Try selecting everything you have on a notion page and then paste it into webstudio when you have the builder open, it might just work out of the box 🙂
Getting tired of it, will record a demo of how to do that with notion.
Sorry for that. Indeed that would help. I am looking to bulk import, not just one page ! A screenrecord would help a lot
In that case its not gonna be possible right now, bulk import from notion is a quite different thing, its basically a "notion as a cms".
if you are not ready to copy stuff from notion, probably don't use webstudio for this until we announce a full notion support as a cms.
also why do you even need webstudio instead of just publishing with notion?
oh notion isn't actually able to render katex, it just allows you to use latex syntax highlighting, nothing else
Because I want to build a performing Website with mathematics ressources. Does it make sense ?
The demo is wrong about KaTeX and Notion. Notion supports KaTex. You have to use Equation block instead of code block. I don’t use code blocks to write maths.
That’s why my question about copy / paste. My maths are written in KaTeX, not LaTeX. This is not the same thing.
I thought katex is some kind of implementation of Tex which also includes latex
share with me a notion page for testing please, one with formulas
notion says its not latex either, its Tex
seems like when using the formular thing its going to paste a paragraph, so you would have to go and add attribute or class to every formula
so with copy-paste workflow there is no way to identify Tex notion is giving you
given you would have lots of them on each page, I think this is not a viable path forward, so I am giving up
until we attempt to add notion as a full CMS
not in the next months and I don't know when
yes that’s my favorite on the list. but I think Webstudio is better for SEO. That’s my dilemma.
just checked their landing, its not perfect, but its not terrible either
I bet their landing has more going on than you would have
so my idea : go with Super, waiting for Webstudio to accept Notion as CMS to migrate, what do you think ?
whatever works for you, also you may be starting to optimize for anything too early, you should launch your idea with just notion and see who is using it and how
notion is also indexable by google afaik
great high performing site optimized for SEO is probably the next step
unless you are already there
ofc switching from super if you have hundreds of pages and SEO optimized links will be a lot of work later
yes but I need a website with membership. I use Outseta. So I need to use a Notion layer like Super to integrate Outseta. I am not strating from scratch, already have a 5K/month business
I see, but then do you really need to provide the math on the site instead of providing access to notion when it comes to math and keep site a separate thing?
if your math is behind membership login, you don't need that content for seo
all you need for SEO is the site, not membership/content portal
you can separate those things and for those examples you need on the site you don't even need notion
my private lessons are under membership, my content is free
I prefer having everything on the same domain
much logical for my customers and for visitors
I see, so there is both, math that is public and math that is private
and ofc you want to manage all that in the same way
yes. So I will have to go with Super unfortunately. My problem is that Notion is the best place to write and host and publish Maths, but that Notion CMS are not good.
maybe I will stay with Super forever 😅
Hello, is there a way to import content, as in articles, via Google Sheets or API, in bulk, and automatically create let's say for example 30k articles based on a premade simple template (H1, Table of Content, Article, and Internal Links)?
30k is not something you would pregenerate, this is a case for a dynamic page that fetches data from an api and caches results
for this you will need the upcoming features that will come with the cms release
sounds good, thanks. A video showing how to do it will be helpful
When is the CMS release planned? I'm still keen to be able to create pages in bulk via import.
I found this code that someone uses to display math on a ghost blog :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- KaTeX requires the use of the HTML5 doctype. Without it, KaTeX may not render properly -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-MlJdn/WNKDGXveldHDdyRP1R4CTHr3FeuDNfhsLPYrq2t0UBkUdK2jyTnXPEK1NQ" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering -->
<script defer src="
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js" integrity="sha384-VQ8d8WVFw0yHhCk5E8I86oOhv48xLpnDZx5T9GogA/Y84DcCKWXDmSDfn13bzFZY" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: -->
<script defer src="
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js" integrity="sha384-+XBljXPPiv+OzfbB3cVmLHf4hdUFHlWNZN5spNQ7rmHTXpd7WvJum6fIACpNNfIR" crossorigin="anonymous"
Do you think it could work on Webstudio ?
I even made a working demo a while ago
ofcourse it works with client rendering
I did not understand it was this method