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Updated 9 months ago

The mysterious disappearance of website designs

At a glance

A community member designed a website and noticed that their design disappeared after a few days. They asked if anyone else had faced a similar issue. The comments revealed that the community member had multiple projects with similar names, some of which were deleted. The community members worked together to investigate the issue, and it was determined that the changes were likely made on the deleted projects. The community members were able to restore the deleted projects for the community member to check. The community members also discussed updating a public thread about the issue to avoid any misunderstandings.

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Hey, I design a website and 2 days ago, I still see my full design version (my website hasn't been pulished yet). Today I comeback and find that almost all of the designs are disapper! Anyone faces the same problem?
  1. please don't post in multiple places
Lets dig into your case
is your project found?
you see the same project?
its not some clone?
That's me, and thanks for your remind
I still find my project, and no, there isn't any same project
what you are saying has never happened before
especially if you are saving changes and not seeing yellow rectangle on top
please provide your project info
domain name that you are using
and project name
during those 3 days of designing, have you been reloading builder and seeing all the changes saved?
Yes, all the changes were saved during designing, and I always double check before close tab. It just today when I open it to publish then I realise the bug
My email is: and project "FINFUL | VIE website". pls help me check it
First of all I can see that you have 2 projects called this way:

  1. FINFUL | VIE website
  2. FINFUL | VIE website (copy)
second I can see you deleted a bunch of projects with a similar name
I suspect that your changes are made in either one of the two or on one of the deleted
Deleted once:
  1. Finful website for parents
  2. Finful VIE website
  3. Finful website for parents
  4. Finful website for parents (copy)
Ya, "FINFUL | VIE website" is the final one and I sure that I checked it at the last time I close. Anw, is there any way I can restore the deleted ones for checking?
I can restore them for you
restored them all
pretty sure you were makng your stuff on deleted websites
I will now check if we have a check when project is edited if its being deleted from dashboard
ok, seems like protection is in place, so you must have worked on it and then deleted it
okey i will check the restored ones. thanks a lot for your supportive!!
please update the public thread you opened and close it
No, please tell everyone in that thread what happened, It now looks like webstudio is loosing data, which is a no go
actually nevermind, I will just delete it
@Oleg Isonen I could still see this thread in Discord now, but maybe it's just me
it was meant on github, he created a discussion which sounded like we are actually loosing data there, but all clarification was here, not there
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