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Updated 7 months ago

The Mysterious Recurring Event

At a glance
The post is about an issue that has been happening for the past 4 days, lasting 4-6 hours. The comments discuss various topics related to WebStudio, a web development platform, such as:

- Optimizing a project by removing extra static pages and using template pages for integration with WordPress content data - Making a text component dynamic to display the visitor's city/location - Fetching data from an API and displaying it on the page - Publishing a project on Hostinger and issues with the CNAME record - Creating a Webhook form and directing it to a specific thank you page on successful submission

The community members provide suggestions and tips to resolve the issues, and one member indicates they have resolved the issue they were facing.

Useful resources
This has been happening for the past 4 days now. Lasts from 4-6 hours
Have you understood the above?
once the project is reloaded, I will remove the extra static pages and keep template pages for integration with WordPress content data (post/pages)
that will resolve the excessive use of static pages
Hi Oleg, is it possible to make the Text Component Dynamic? Like printing the City/Location of the visitor?
where is the information coming from?
Resource? yes ofc just like any other component
or what do you mean by dynamic? realtime updating it? or just loading the page
@I'm Lem, the dev guy of Ivan yesterday
just loading the page
if its a regular fetch with Resource, what's the problem? its just a normal binding
Tying to fetch data from and print the data to Box div. However it is not showing.
var country1 = 'Seattle';

.then(function(response) {
return response.text();
.then(function(data) {
if (data == country1) {
var el = document.getElementById('country-1'); = 'block';
el.innerText = 'You are visiting from country : ' + data;

} else {
var el = document.getElementById('country-2'); = 'block';
el.innerText = 'You are visiting from country : ' + data;

using html embed
I also tried Adding add Variable usng this resource URL and Get method however it it not printing the dynamic value or result in preview
we have a plenty of videos on YT about resource
Thanks Oleg. I have resolved it!
we made optimizations, your project is now loading 53 pages
@oleg, I would like to ask a question about Data binding for dynamic content using GraphQL. I am trying to bind content from the Elementor Wordpress site to my Wbestudio. The Query is working on the WPGraphQL wordpress side but when I tried to bind the JSON on Webstudio it returned: "status" and "statusText unexpected Token." in the expression editor.
kindly disregard my previous query, I forgot to append /graphql/ in the resource URL
Hi @Oleg Isonen, I have question regarding the Publishing of Projects on WebStudio. We have tried to published one small porject yesterday and the domain was Registrr is Hostinger. I observer that the CNAME name is being set by Hostinger to ALIAS
and that's the reason why the site is not still live or published for 24hours already
Why is it when I create a WebhookForm, the submit button is not clickable?
on the published site? or in builder?
builder on preview mode
Another thing, the recipient email is the email set in the Project settings, right?
also is it possible to Add a Prompt to display a coupon code once the user hits close browser or tab
its not supposed to submit a form in the builder, did you think it is supposed to submit the form or did you just want it to have the visual click response>
by default its account owner email, but yes, otherwise you can set it in the project settings
yes with custom javascript
Regarding Publishing to Hostinger the generate CNAME record on the builder is @, while on the video demo the value is WWW. I followed the one on the vi and use WWW for the CNAME name
ON which sectin of the builder the custom script will be added?
in the project settings? Custom Code field?
it is really weird that the publication of Webstudio very slow.
We have been settting this up for more than 244 hours already but we cannot even publish the project since the domain status and CNAME records are still not corrects
HI @oleg is there an example of how to direct FORM to a specific Thank You page on Submission success, instead of just showing a custom Success message? Since I would like to track successful conversion
Hello, what hosting provider do you recommend for WebStudio? The current state of our project on Webstudio, a single landing page template, is already overdue due to the Domain Check Status checkpoint before publication (Hostinger). This project was supposed to be launched for a client today with scheduled campaigns over the weekend. Project builder link:
No, something is wrong with you dns seyup
Hey, we have tons of people using it with hostinger. It's not broken on our side
Settings in the builder have nothing to do with your DNS settings on hostinger, I suggest to start over, do every step, delete all current settings there, it should work within minutes
Hello @Oleg, do you mean delete the existing project and recreate it then regenerate it Domain records to be added on hostinger?
no, delete your dns records on hostinger, there might be conflicting settings and check them all again
I have added it Using Configure Automaticallly, the value on Hostinger is ALIAS and not CNAME
Then the builder Status prompts this "custom hostname does not CNAME to this zone."
Hi Oleg, I hope you had a great weekend. I am having issues with tracking form conversions on the Webstudio form. By default, the Webhook forms send the content of the form to the project's own email address. We want to open a new static thank you page after successful submission. Can you provide a brief tip on how to do it? Thanks!
Add html embed inside success message and change the location with location.href to a different page inside. Scripts are only evaluated when. tehy are rendered, so success message will be basically rendering a forwarding script
I have added an html embed inside the Success Message
Not sure where to acc the location.href value in the Webhook Form component
okay, I have added it. The content of the form will be sent tot the project email address, then it redirect too the target.location.href.
One last question, do you have a sample for a responsive design demo on mobile studio? Since my latest project has shown full page and is not responsive on tablet and mobile
every template from the dashboard is responsive, we also have videos that show it, its also tought the same way in webflow on YT
first thing you need to learn is working with breakpoints
We have added the <script>location.href='';</script> as an HTML embed on the Success Message component of our form but it is it not directing the page to the new page
for every changes I made, do we need to hit Publish button to update the live site?
did you use client only?
btw you can also use /thank-you afaik, no need to put full domain and well you can test the script on the page simply by showing success state of the form on form settings andenabling the embed to run on canvas
I have resolved it, Oleg. All it takes is to Publish the project every time I make changes.
one uick question with third party API as resource for dynamic data.
I used and added it as a dynamic resource URL. Using method GET. Then when I tried to print the values on the live site it returned "undefine". It is working correctly on the builder except on the live site. Does it have to do with the Cloudflare?
parament is to print display the data is this
'Fast & Affordable Junk Removal In' + " " + Retrieve City
where Retrieve CIty Location is a Variable using json
this is the output on the live site:
on the builder it loads dynamic data using
pretty sure you are doing something wrong, it would get the same data and work the same way
Hello Oleg, good day!
Can I add multiple emails on the Project General Settings email section? to receive email from the Webhook Form?
by separating email with comma?
no, but you can setup your own webhook and do there anything you want
we want to install CallRail Snippets, to swap the phone values every time a form load. Can this we done on the tel: links?
for example we want to swap the phone numbers on form load:
Call Extension:
@Oleg Isonen we are chedule to launch and run campaign for a website tomorrow. Hence, we need make the CallRail functionality work today.
CallRail snippet is not working for all outbound TEL links. CallRail suppose to swap target phone number of the TEL links
Sorry I have no idea what that is.
Hi Oleg, for example, is this structure correct?
  • We have WebStudio project then we pointed/published the Webstudio to our domain
  • That domain does have existing WordPress content and page.
  • We bind data using GraphQL to our WordPress site. To make it headless?
Hi @Oleg Isonen , good day, I noticed that after we published our site it is so freaking slow. We set it up like this
We have live website: hosted by different provider and hosting. We planned to migrate this website to another hosting one we have resolve the issues with Webstudio.
we have made a Webstudio project and published it using a temporary holding domain with WordPress intallstion.
This was published to this domain (Note this domain contains the same migrated database from our original domain)
I noticed that the domain link to WebSutdio is freaking slow. What could be the possible reason?
@itsmelem There are several problems. Please address each one then see if the issue still persists.

  1. There are many variables on the homepage that are fetching wordpress. All of the ones I checked aren't actually being used though. So you fetch, then don't do anything with the data. Find all variables and delete the ones that aren't used. You can tell they aren't used because when you try deleting it lets you. If they were used delete would be grayed out.
  1. You are fetching multiple graphql urls, one with a spelling error -com instead of .com

Fix those and report back the impact
Thanks for the prompt response @Oleg Isonen. I will check all unused variables. The result is empty if I tried to load graphQL data from my WebStudio link Domain with WordPress content. Did I miss something with my setup? Kindly refer to the screenshots.
My name is John πŸ™‚ and you're trying to fetch wordpress data from your webstudio domain??
Here's the model

  • Wordpress site has blogs and is available at some url like
  • Webstudio wants to get its hands on that data so it fetches using resources
Srry @John Siciliano, for this setting. Can I use only one dynamic variable on the Body? Instead of create Varaible in the Headline and Content section? The reason is to save the number of variable active on my template.
I tried binding the Variable from the BODY to other components but the results are dynamic unless I create new Variable on each dynamic components (Heading/Content)
you can add variables to any instance. but i dont understand your question.

From what i could tell from your project, all those variables on the homepage weren't used at all.
Thanks for this, there are two sources for GraphQL since I am updating my source from my live site (junkcaliforniacom) to the staging site ( However, I noticed that I cannot graph any JSON from this domain instead the working source is this: It's weird and it still freaking slow. even if no variables are added on the homepage.
so you removed all the unused variables from the homepage? please confirm and ill look further
I have remove unused variables on the homepage since it a static page
  1. Has it been republished? still very slow so just want to make sure I'm seeing the up to date version.
  1. I see variables on the homepage.
2a. One is for the hero title. The query is so long i cant even paste it in discord. Why are you requesting a third party to give you the title when you can just type it in?

2b. another is in the FooterContentSection and unused

2c. another is in ContentArea and used but again its a static value why not just type it in?
no the homepage is just using a static entries, no dynamic content hence there are no variables in it
Well there was but looks like youve removed it since. There are still lots of variables on the homepage. Look at each item in the navigator to find them all. You can arrow through them to speed it up. attached is one example.

Please make sure you remove them. I've looked through the homepage now three times to find the same problem exists. I want to help you out, but also dont like wasting my time.
Thank you John!
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","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T22:32:50.200Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T22:32:50.200Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":53,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"okay, I have added it. The content of the form will be sent tot the project email address, then it redirect too the target.location.href.","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T22:34:16.576Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T22:34:16.576Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":54,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"One last question, do you have a sample for a responsive design demo on mobile studio? Since my latest project has shown full page and is not responsive on tablet and mobile","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T22:35:39.038Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T22:35:39.038Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":55,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"every template from the dashboard is responsive, we also have videos that show it, its also tought the same way in webflow on YT","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T22:36:38.652Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T22:36:38.652Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":56,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"first thing you need to learn is working with breakpoints","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T22:36:52.726Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T22:36:52.726Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":57,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"We have added the as an HTML embed on the Success Message component of our form but it is it not directing the page to the new page","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T23:40:19.215Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T23:40:19.215Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":58,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"for every changes I made, do we need to hit Publish button to update the live site?","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T23:40:29.693Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T23:40:29.693Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":59,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"did you use client only?","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T23:42:19.210Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T23:42:19.210Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":60,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"btw you can also use /thank-you afaik, no need to put full domain and well you can test the script on the page simply by showing success state of the form on form settings andenabling the embed to run on canvas","dateCreated":"2024-07-29T23:45:59.019Z","dateModified":"2024-07-29T23:45:59.019Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":61,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"I have resolved it, Oleg. All it takes is to Publish the project every time I make changes.","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:53:45.121Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:53:45.121Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":62,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"one uick question with third party API as resource for dynamic data.","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:54:12.169Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:54:12.169Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":63,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"I used and added it as a dynamic resource URL. Using method GET. Then when I tried to print the values on the live site it returned \"undefine\". It is working correctly on the builder except on the live site. Does it have to do with the Cloudflare?","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:56:20.100Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:56:20.100Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":64,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"parament is to print display the data is this","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:56:36.361Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:56:36.361Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":65,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"'Fast & Affordable Junk Removal In' + \" \" + Retrieve City","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:57:17.388Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:57:17.388Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":66,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"where Retrieve CIty Location is a Variable using json","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:57:38.809Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:57:38.809Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":67,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"this is the output on the live site:","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:58:28.288Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:58:28.288Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":68,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"on the builder it loads dynamic data using","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:59:23.056Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:59:23.056Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":69,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T01:59:39.394Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T01:59:39.394Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":70,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"pretty sure you are doing something wrong, it would get the same data and work the same way","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T02:16:54.919Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T02:16:54.919Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":71,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Hello Oleg, good day!","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:37:02.031Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:37:02.031Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":72,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Can I add multiple emails on the Project General Settings email section? to receive email from the Webhook Form?","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:37:39.956Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:37:39.956Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":73,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"by separating email with comma?","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:37:52.576Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:37:52.576Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":74,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"no, but you can setup your own webhook and do there anything you want","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:45:12.793Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:45:12.793Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":75,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"we want to install CallRail Snippets, to swap the phone values every time a form load. Can this we done on the tel: links?","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:54:38.329Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:54:38.329Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":76,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"for example we want to swap the phone numbers on form load: 425-552-1452425-552-1633425-552-1635425-552-1606Call Extension:425-380-8335","dateCreated":"2024-07-30T20:55:26.816Z","dateModified":"2024-07-30T20:55:26.816Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":77,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"@Oleg Isonen we are chedule to launch and run campaign for a website tomorrow. Hence, we need make the CallRail functionality work today.","dateCreated":"2024-07-31T02:27:08.577Z","dateModified":"2024-07-31T02:27:08.577Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":78,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"CallRail snippet is not working for all outbound TEL links. CallRail suppose to swap target phone number of the TEL links","dateCreated":"2024-07-31T02:27:53.534Z","dateModified":"2024-07-31T02:27:53.534Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":79,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Sorry I have no idea what that is.","dateCreated":"2024-07-31T06:47:46.940Z","dateModified":"2024-07-31T06:47:46.940Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Oleg Isonen","identifier":"cdd3ed87-53a0-414a-885a-56b7939e412a","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":80,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Hi Oleg, for example, is this structure correct? We have WebStudio project then we pointed/published the Webstudio to our domainThat domain does have existing WordPress content and page.We bind data using GraphQL to our WordPress site. To make it headless?","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T20:33:18.107Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T20:33:18.107Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":81,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Hi @Oleg Isonen , good day, I noticed that after we published our site it is so freaking slow. We set it up like this","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T23:03:44.183Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T23:03:44.183Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":82,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"We have live website: hosted by different provider and hosting. We planned to migrate this website to another hosting one we have resolve the issues with Webstudio.","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T23:05:40.450Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T23:05:40.450Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":83,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"we have made a Webstudio project and published it using a temporary holding domain with WordPress intallstion.","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T23:06:40.526Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T23:06:40.526Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":84,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"This was published to this domain (Note this domain contains the same migrated database from our original domain)","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T23:07:34.825Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T23:07:34.825Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":85,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"I noticed that the domain link to WebSutdio is freaking slow. What could be the possible reason?","dateCreated":"2024-08-02T23:08:00.258Z","dateModified":"2024-08-02T23:08:00.258Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":86,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"@itsmelem There are several problems. Please address each one then see if the issue still persists.There are many variables on the homepage that are fetching wordpress. All of the ones I checked aren't actually being used though. So you fetch, then don't do anything with the data. Find all variables and delete the ones that aren't used. You can tell they aren't used because when you try deleting it lets you. If they were used delete would be grayed out.You are fetching multiple graphql urls, one with a spelling error -com instead of .comhttps://gogreenhaulerzwa-com/graphql those and report back the impact","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T16:42:58.125Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T16:42:58.125Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":87,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Thanks for the prompt response @Oleg Isonen. I will check all unused variables. The result is empty if I tried to load graphQL data from my WebStudio link Domain with WordPress content. Did I miss something with my setup? Kindly refer to the screenshots.","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:13:00.644Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:13:00.644Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":88,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"My name is John πŸ™‚ and you're trying to fetch wordpress data from your webstudio domain??","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:22:53.339Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:22:53.339Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":89,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Here's the modelWordpress site has blogs and is available at some url like wordpress.junkremoval.comWebstudio wants to get its hands on that data so it fetches using resources","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:24:53.657Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:24:53.657Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":90,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Srry @John Siciliano, for this setting. Can I use only one dynamic variable on the Body? Instead of create Varaible in the Headline and Content section? The reason is to save the number of variable active on my template.","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:37:59.997Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:37:59.997Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":91,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"I tried binding the Variable from the BODY to other components but the results are dynamic unless I create new Variable on each dynamic components (Heading/Content)","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:39:36.455Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:39:36.455Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":92,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"you can add variables to any instance. but i dont understand your question.From what i could tell from your project, all those variables on the homepage weren't used at all.","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:45:40.152Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:45:40.152Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":93,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Thanks for this, there are two sources for GraphQL since I am updating my source from my live site (junkcaliforniacom) to the staging site ( However, I noticed that I cannot graph any JSON from this domain instead the working source is this: It's weird and it still freaking slow. even if no variables are added on the homepage.","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:50:53.426Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:50:53.426Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":94,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"so you removed all the unused variables from the homepage? please confirm and ill look further","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:51:47.135Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:51:47.135Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":95,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"I have remove unused variables on the homepage since it a static page","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T21:58:49.834Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T21:58:49.834Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":96,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Has it been republished? still very slow so just want to make sure I'm seeing the up to date version.I see variables on the homepage.2a. One is for the hero title. The query is so long i cant even paste it in discord. Why are you requesting a third party to give you the title when you can just type it in?2b. another is in the FooterContentSection and unused 2c. another is in ContentArea and used but again its a static value why not just type it in?","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T22:05:11.639Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T22:05:11.639Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":97,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"no the homepage is just using a static entries, no dynamic content hence there are no variables in it","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T22:32:07.964Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T22:32:07.964Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":98,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Well there was but looks like youve removed it since. There are still lots of variables on the homepage. Look at each item in the navigator to find them all. You can arrow through them to speed it up. attached is one example.Please make sure you remove them. I've looked through the homepage now three times to find the same problem exists. I want to help you out, but also dont like wasting my time.","dateCreated":"2024-08-03T23:17:46.828Z","dateModified":"2024-08-03T23:17:46.828Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"John Siciliano","identifier":"a3a85f00-1132-4262-8176-1ff92ab9d883","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":99,"upvoteCount":0},{"@type":"Comment","text":"Thank you John!","dateCreated":"2024-08-06T01:28:26.799Z","dateModified":"2024-08-06T01:28:26.799Z","author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"itsmelem","identifier":"76ebdcf9-bfb7-4956-824d-82123b8908e8","image":""},"commentCount":0,"comment":[],"position":100,"upvoteCount":0}],"author":{"@type":"Person","url":"","name":"Ivan Kravtsov","identifier":"397d7632-3b7a-4d83-b0a4-ee049afce29b","image":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":{"@type":"LikeAction"},"userInteractionCount":0}}]