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Updated 2 months ago

Token Naming Best Practices

At a glance

The community member is new to Webstudio and Design Tokens and is curious about a standardized naming convention for Design Tokens. They have looked at the guidelines on the Craft page of the Webstudio documentation, but feel it only scratches the surface. The community member wonders if there is a recommended naming convention within the Webstudio community, and if not, whether a "source of truth" should be established.

In the comments, another community member suggests that there are discussions on the Webstudio GitHub about how to handle this, and that Webstudio will likely implement a standard. They encourage the original poster to create their own methods/standards or contribute to the discussion. Another community member points to the Craft documentation as the go-to resource, and suggests discussing and adding any missing information.

Useful resources
Hi everyone! I'm new to Webstudio and Design Tokens, and I'm curious if there's a standardized naming convention for Design Tokens that I should be following. I understand that different teams may have their own conventions, but is there a recommended naming convention within this community? I’ve looked at the guidelines on the Craft page of the Webstudio documentation, but I feel like it only scratches the surface of naming tokens effectively to ensure better collaboration. If there isn’t a single "source of truth" on this, do you think one should be established?
@reklob, I believe there's discussons on the Webstudio github on how to do this, but it's just going to be a way that Webstudio implements. It should be coming in time. You can create your own methods/standards or even contribute to the discussion if you like.
Craft is the go to

What is missing? We can discuss and add it
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