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Updated 7 months ago

Token with custom CSS?

At a glance
I would like to add the following class to the majority of elements on my site:
Plain Text
.unselectable {
    -webkit-touch-callout: none;
    -webkit-user-select: none;
    -khtml-user-select: none;
    -moz-user-select: none;
    -ms-user-select: none;
    user-select: none;

Of course it should be a token, but none of these are supported and likely won't be for a long time.
What would be the best way to add these? Surely using a HTML embed for a majority of elements can't be a good solution.
Who in the world tought you you need to use all those prefixes, this is widely supported without a prefix
And already supported from advanced section
you can also do this with a html embed and a selector
Ah good point I've just been using this one for some years since they were all required, I can't seem to find user-select in the advanced menu, though:
make a bigger screenshot
There is very little configuration so far as its a fresh project
now look exactly at your screenshot in advanced panel
Im going to cry
I assume in cases where something like this is actually unsupported, though, a javascript selector from an html embed is the only real way to go, though right?
I have no idea what you are talking about now
for example user-select doesn't work on webkit, it requires -webkit-user-select, which isn't supported. If I want to use that too, the best way would be with a javascript selector
I will just ignore that your sentence doesn't make any sense.

Here is what you are asking: in case there is a property we don't support in adnvanced panel but you still want to use - you can use html embed component and write any css there.

  1. It has nothing to do with javascript, its a css selector - which is why your sentence is confusing.
  2. user-select is supported, so there is no reason to write a prefix for it like I said before
Alright, I'm just figuring out how webstudio works in general and how regular css would be inserted
The user-select support on webkit, however, is a problem, though
On caniuse it confirms it
we automatically add prefixed -webkit-user-select to support safari
Just checked - we automatically prefix
Alright perfect, thank you
In cases like this we should be prefixing automatically - if not - its basically a bug on our side.
Great I'll keep that in mind!
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