are you looking for help with hostinger?
or is the assumption something is wrong on webstudio side?
Hello Oleg, I am not sure what happened since it was working 8 hours ago and for more than a week hence, I am seeking info from both sides. I ask Hostinger about the cause and Webstudio about the possible cause of this issue.
Anyway Thanks, @Oleg Isonen. I will liaise this concern with my hosting provider.
you must have changed something and probably the changes had effect after some time
I am not sure @oleg since the DNS details are the details I have set since day 1, it's working before however, I can no longer access the WordPress login panel. Is there another way to embed the WordPress login form through webstudio builder?
btw i noticed that I can only access if I enable TunnbelBear proxy on my browser
Do I understand correctly, you are asking me why you can't access your wordpress account?
It loading the webstudio front end for almost 2 weeks but for the past 2 days it not working correctly. Here are the settings on Hostinger ang Project verification:
I see on your screenshot data coming in, so then it means it works correctly on webstudio side
I also see in builder content getting rendered, so i don't even know exactly what you mean by not loading correctly
this is the site preview with US VPN (it loading default wordpress theme)
withotu US VPN it is loading Webstudio fron end but no dynamic data loaded. Weird
can you access your wordpress hosting without vpn?
I cannot login o my WordPress hosting without VPN. Hostinger load a random login.php file and Webstudio returs a blank visual of my site.
so why are you wondering? if its getting blocked without vpn for your country, why would it work otherwise?
change your wordpress hosting
since this site is for a US based website
I can't fix your wordpress hosting
webstudio has nothing to do with it, sorry
hence Webstudio does not work with Hostinger hosting?
it does, but I don't know what your problems specifically is
it has to do with your specific wordpress site
based on the Hostinger Webstudio tutorial the video only shows website Domain registrar setup on Hostinger. How about if the domain registrar is Hostinger and WordPress site is also on Hostinger?