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Updated 5 months ago

Try Pro Version

At a glance

The post asks if there is an option to try the Pro version of a platform. The community members discuss the available free trial, which is 14 days long. Some members suggest that 14 days may not be enough time to fully evaluate the platform, especially for finding the right CMS integration. They recommend trying the free trial first, then potentially purchasing the lifetime version if satisfied. One member suggests buying the lifetime version directly with a 30-day money-back policy as an alternative. Overall, the community provides suggestions on how to best evaluate the Pro version of the platform.

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Is there any option to try Pro version ?
Theres a 14 free trial for Pro
Oh, nice! Didn't know
How can we access it
I think we will need something more than just 14 days πŸ˜„
As it's new platform we need to get our hands dirty on try out with different CMS option
The trial is there to get your hands dirty. You can do A LOT in two weeks. Though if it's about finding the right CMS, I don't think the trial needs to be a part of that (you could find one in that time frame). I say that because the trial will let you see how things work in Webstudio. If you like the way things work including CMS integrations, the you'll need Pro regardless of the CMS you end up using.

Heres a tool btw to help find a cms
Well frankly speaking would love go for the lifetime version as well but to check with things and get in safe place would love to try out for sometime and make the right decision
I'd just go free trial, then pay the 20 bucks if you still need time. If you like things, then you can buy the LTD
Or you can buy the LTD right now and theres a 30 day money back policy. Though I personally would probably do the option above if I was feeling unsure
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