Waiting for response to an email sent into support…please address?
Waiting for response to an email sent into support…please address?
At a glance
A community member sent an email to support two days ago but has not received a response yet. Other community members suggest checking the support email address, as the only known channel for support is a Discord server. One community member confirms that all emails have been answered, but another clarifies that the support email is only for account-related issues, not general "how-to" questions. A community member follows up on a previous request to be added to an early supporter's channel, but the process of doing so in a public thread is noted as an "interesting approach". There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.
Only in a public thread because it’s where he followed up with me. We didn’t exchange detail here, specifically, that would better kept in private; Therefore, it’s moot. Doesn’t matter here.