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Updated 3 months ago

Webstudio Essentials: 0 to Complete Webs...

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The post is a question about whether an update will arrive for a tutorial course on Webstudio. The comments discuss the course and Webstudio in general. Community members express appreciation for the course and the Webstudio platform, and request updates or additional resources on topics like CSS variables, embedding options, filters, and sorting. The course creator responds, noting that some of the requested resources already exist, and plans to create additional videos on APIs and fonts.

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Hey one quick question: does an update arrive at this tutorial course: ?
Hey since making that I've started working with Webstudio and publishing on our channel. Not sure what I'm going to do as far as updates go to the course
Hi John! Newbie here learning with your course!

Your videos are amazingly helpful - both on the webstudio YouTube and your course, so thanks for that πŸ™

However I am a bit confused of how to bring the new updates into the teaching of your course since I am learning everything new in Webstudio and can not compare with other builders.

Do you think it would maybe possible to make a short update video for your course? How to integrate the new updates into what you teach in your paid course?

Since I thought your paid course would be geared towards Newbies like me with some more thorough explanation of concepts not explained as detailedly on webstudios YouTube channel.
Hey thanks! Big thing I know of is CSS variables. Maybe I'll do a little upate video like you suggested. Is there anything else?
Hey John! Thanks for replying so quickly! Yes CSS variables are definitely the biggest change.
I am still trying to understand how to best combine the new moving parts, such as the new embedding options like markdown and html.
For example how I can style markdown embeds with CSS variables or reintegrate HTML embeddings into webstudio graphical design interface.
Similar with the webstudio copy paste options.
At the moment it seems each of these embeds are more singular but I am not sure how to best connect the amazing separate parts that were recently added to Webstudio.
In the end I felt like I best not dabble to much with disjointed embeds but use the graphical design interface with Webstudio.
I also saw your new long form web design video which I will take time to watch in detail, where you bring many moving parts together.
Maybe it is best to work with the newer videos in the webstudio YouTube for now? Since they are more up to date?
In any way, thanks for the work you are all doing! I really appreciate and enjoy what Webstudio offers to the space and I see the value in having a solid design workflow (with craft etc.) that I am learning step by step.
As for whats best, it's hard to say. That new video is not really beginner friendly IMO but covers lots of good stuff. The course takes more time to explain things, though its missing some newer stuff πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Thanks for the message!
John, your paid course and the webstudio youtube videos are all great! Plus, the community has produced some really good Youtube content as well.

Previously, I watched Webflow videos and that was also a good basis to then transition to Webstudio, even though there is a lot of stuff that is different.

At the moment, I would love to have some update, whether on the paid course or online that helps me get deeper into the topic.

Maybe it should be more like an extension about the following five topics:
  1. Css / Craft / naming conventions
  2. Embed databases (Airtable, Baserow etc). with cards, filters, and item pages.
  3. Embed blogs (Hygraph, Wordpress, Ghost). with some design variations, internal linking and other best practices.
  4. Fonts (There have been discussions here and there, but I have yet to really comprehend what is best practice in Webstudio).
Based on the youtube videos, I have worked on some API embeds and that was ok, but I feel I miss a lot in that regard.
  1. Tokens (there has been some great videos, but this is quite different from classes, so would be great to get a bit more in-depth videos to follow along)
Thanks for the compliment!

Css / Craft / naming conventions
Two resources exist for this
Embed databases (Airtable, Baserow etc). with cards, filters, and item pages.
Have you looked at all the CMS youtube vids? Plus there are templates for every video I made in the Marketplace. One resource that is missing is a more abstract tutorial that is more about teaching APIs.

  1. Should be same as point 2. If there are any gaps let me know.
  1. Yes, I need to add at least a doc for this. Thanks for the reminder πŸ™‚
  1. The latest video is the best resource for that. You see nearly 3 hours of me choosing token names and explaining them. The course also goes into this
I appreciate the feedback, and don't mean to shut nearly everything down, but I think most of what was requested already exists. Correct me if I'm wrong πŸ™‚

My todos are a video about APIs so no matter the platform you work with, this video will help you learn how to use that platform's API and secondly a resource about fonts
Thanks John,

I have watched all these resources before and they are all great! Still, I am not fluently speaking Webstudio if we use a linguistic comparison. Probably, I just need more practice to get a better understanding but I am also looking forward to watch more of your content and follow along.

Let me be more specific: It took me a while to realize that the filters are based on single select. Initially, I tried to use Boolean. Probably easy to understand why not to do that for somebody who is a bit deeper in the topic, but I thought a boolean would be quite suitable for this sort of thing. Plus: I would love to learn more about search, sort and filter for all type of fields. Like ">" or "<" filter for number fields or how to do something with multiple select fields. I would appreciate a short video about all the different filtering options for different field types and different sorting options.
Yeah more resources on filter would be great. Thanks!
Just found this:
Really like it as very useful additional resource. Haven't seen that before! Besides your blog - which is great - are there other places to check?
Mainly Webstudio's site, docs, and youtube. Socials too.

My site is outdated πŸ™ˆ . I want to start posting on my socials about cool stuff I'm doing within the builder.. just fire off one thing at a time. But that's tbd
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