Webstudio: Evaluating for Figma or Tilda Replacement and Publishing Static HTML Pages
Webstudio: Evaluating for Figma or Tilda Replacement and Publishing Static HTML Pages
At a glance
The community member is evaluating Webstudio as a replacement for Figma or Tilda, and is struggling with how to publish static HTML pages on Apache or Nginx. The comments indicate that Webstudio is a React application that requires a Node server to run, and that static export is not yet supported. To use Webstudio, the community member would need to set up a Node.js hosting platform. The community members discuss how to self-host the React application, including using the Webstudio CLI to sync assets into a local folder. However, there are still issues with the resulting build referencing images from the Webstudio CDN instead of the local folder. The community member plans to create an issue on the Webstudio repository to document the steps and get help resolving this problem.
Hello there i'm new to webstudio and currently evaluating it for our needs in replacement of Figma or Tilda. My main struggling point at the moment is how to publish static html pages on Apache or NginX (On a local server of my own). I've seen that there is a Webstudio CMS but I cant figure out how all this get together and if it can help me.
It seems that the react application is using some kind of "webstudio cdn" to publish assets like pictures... How can i "build" a react version producing urls to local assets ?
But the problem is still the same : the resulting index.js in build/server contains references to images like : https://apps.webstudio.is/cgi/image/blablabla I guess this comes from .webstudio/data.json obtained when i did the webstudio checkout